Ben ran a hand over his face. “There’s another perspective to consider.” He paused before saying, “Aren’t you concerned she’ll feel like she’s being used as a weapon against your family?”
“What?” Leo barked at his friend. “That’s ludicrous. I would never use her to make a point.”
Ben held up his palms. “Calm down. I’m on your side, but Cassandra’s a nice person. I don’t want her to get caught in the crossfire.”
“I’ll be with her all night. I won’t let anyone get between us.”
“I believe you, but please be careful.”
“Thanks, Ben. I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
“It’s okay. We’ve waited a long time for this meeting and soon it will be here.”
“And you’re prepared?”
Ben gave him a winning smile. “Hell, yeah, I’m prepared.”
“Then, see? We have nothing to worry about.” Leo clapped Ben on the shoulder. “Have a nice weekend. Tell Amanda and the boys I’ll see them soon.”
“Say hi to Cassandra,” Ben said with a wave.
“Will do.”
While Leo drove through London to the Leyton, his thoughts focused on Cassandra. She’d been staying with him ever since the press camped near her flat a few days ago. He enjoyed having her with him, and if he had his way, she would never leave.
Ben had raised a few good points. His family wouldn’t make tomorrow easy for him, or her. He expected that. The thing that irritated him the most was the interview Nikos gave. It could stir up trouble with his family, but he was more concerned it would upset Cassandra. The things Nikos said about him might begin a rift between them. Bit by bit, he might lose her. Cassandra wasn’t on social media, but she could find out about the interview from a friend, from Melina, or even from Nikos.
Each mile closer to the hotel, his unease escalated into anxiety about losing her. He was desperate to have a future with the woman he loved, but his imagination taunted him with all the ways things could go wrong. Fear crept up his spine that Cassandra had changed her mind about him. He pushed down on the accelerator, weaving around the other cars in his way. He was consumed with the need to be with her, and to reassure himself she still loved him.
By the time he arrived at the Leyton, his head pounded with a headache. The photographers blocked the entrance to the hotel. “Fuck.” He drove into the guarded underground garage, parked his car in the designated spot, and rushed to his private elevator. He would crawl out of his skin if he didn’t get to her soon. He stabbed the button, his heart pounding louder than the rattling of the old elevator.
The elevator arrived and he jumped in and hit the button. “Come on, come on,” he urged the elevator to move faster. He rushed down the hall and inside his door.
Brazilian music filled the apartment, and something was burning. He arrived at the kitchen to see Cassandra dressed in one of his shirts, now spattered with oil. Her hair was in a messy knot, her glasses were perched on her nose, and she stared at her phone in deep concentration. A thin dusting of flour and blobs of wet dough covered the counter while a smoking pot of oil sat on the stove.
Since they’d been together, he’d ordered takeout or had meals delivered by room service. Whatever she was trying to make, she was doing it for him. His anxiety lessened but not his need for her.
He leaned against the doorjamb with his arms across his chest, watching as she leaned in closer to the book.
Cassandra cursed and tossed the phone on the counter. She caught his eye. “Oh! You scared me! I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Sorry. What are you making?” He turned off the burner and moved the pot aside. He wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing the nape of her neck. Her light jasmine-scented skin calmed him by holding her close.
“I was trying to make coxinha, but it’s a total failure.” She leaned in closer to him. “I wanted to surprise you.”
His fingers trailed up the hem of her shirt and her thighs. “Consider me surprised.” He ran a finger around the elastic edge of her panties, fascinated by how her ass rolled on his already hard cock. If he didn’t get inside her soon, he would lose his mind.
“Turn around,” he whispered in her ear.
She turned in his arms and lifted her eyes to his. So much trust there and he wanted to deserve it.
“My father called,” she said calmly.
There was no urgency in her voice, or a worried expression. She was simply stating a fact. His heartbeat calmed down. They could address the phone call later.
“We’ll talk, but first, I want to tell you I love you, I missed you, and I want you. Right now.” He unbuttoned the shirt, and her nipples rose to hard points. His deusa was always ready for him.
He led her to the bedroom. The lights were off, but the streetlamps outside illuminated the room enough to see her eyes following him.