The song “Mood Swings” comes on, blaring through my worn speakers. If ever there was an anthem to describe my life the past couple weeks, this would be mine. Today was definitely a whiskey in my coffee kinda day.
Nothing can ruin it now.
Not even a very shirtless, very sweaty Dusty looking illegally good in his ripped up bluejeans as he repairs thefencing along the driveway.
As I get closer, the bearded charmersteps back, revealing what he was working on.
Nix that idea—day ruined.
There, in angry red letters, pissing in my Cheerios and raining on my barn-repairing, party-planning parade!
“You have got to be kidding me!”
As soon we make eye contact, he grabs his T-shirt off the fence and puts on a little show, running it from his chin to the top of his jeans.
I don’t know who I hate more: him for doing it, or me for not being able to tear my eyes away.
Throwing the car in park, gravel crunches under my boots as Istomp over to the sign, ignoring Dusty completely. His face is no doubt amused, and it could be my next target.
I give the metal a swift little kick, then a harder one—which does nothing but send pain shooting up my foot.
“Hey, Beth! Come to take me up on my offer?”
“Ahhh!” I let out a frustrated scream. And when I turn to nail him right in the shin I lose my balance and almost end up in the dirt, but of course Mr. Fix-It— or in this case break it—drops his tools and catches me.
This is the closest we’ve ever been and when my heart beats faster and he’s looking down into my eyes, the more I think I can get a whole lot closer with the likes of Dusty Jacobs, and not regret. Not for a single second.
He smells like a real man. Like sweat and hard work on a hot, summer day. Hisbeard is thicker. Makes me wonder what it would feel like—
Don’t’ you dare go there. Don’t you do it.
“Beth? You okay?” He smiles like he knows he caught my mind in the gutter again.
When I stop thinking with my vagina and my brain kicks back into gear, I realize I’m in the arms of my enemy…
And I’m also trespassing.
“Let me go.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Dusty, get your hands off me.”I push against his chest.
His bare, sweaty chest.
One minute, I’m two sane thoughts from copping a feel. The next, my ass is on the ground.
“Seriously!” I jump.
“You said to let you go.”