“You did.” He leans over and kisses my forehead before his hands drop to his sides. “If you ever need anything, just give me a call.” John eyes his sons over my shoulder. “One of us will make sure you’re taken care of.”
“That won’t be necessary.” I try to smile and pretend everything is okay because this is the closest thing to okay I’ve experienced in a long time.
“Don’t argue with me. You know how I get,” he teases before motioning to the door. “Lance, I need to get out of here. Meet you at Wren’s around six.”
“I have a call at six. Make it six-thirty,” Lance hollers as John walks out the double doors.
“What’s going on?” Dusty’s brows furrow.
Lance looks over at me and gives me a tight smile before turning toward Dusty and lowering his voice.
They aren’t really whispering, but their low tones make it hard to make out what they are saying. Which is probably for the best.
“Sounds like a plan.” Dusty pulls his brother in for a hug. “I’m going to stay and talk to Simon.”
“You have about fifteen minutes,” Mr. Wright interrupts.
“Alrighty then.” Dusty laughs.
“See you later, bro.” Lance grabs his envelope, then his fathers, before leaving me alone with his brother and Mr. Wright.
“So…” Dusty slides his package off the table and tucks it under his arm.
What do I say? Do I congratulate him on becoming a millionaire? Apologize for my outburst earlier? I don’t know. I wish there was a manual for this kind of thing, or better yet, a YouTube video.
“What do you think?”
“Hmmm?” I bring my hand up to my chin and pretend to think extra hard. “I think Dusty ‘No Last Name’ now has a last name.”
“Really? Out of all the things, that’s what you’re thinking about?” He snorts.
“Well, yeah.”
“You’re something else.” Dusty stands there with a smirky smile on his face. And even though that smile would have irritated me this morning. I was kind of glad to see it. Especially, after the letters that Mr. Wright just read.
“I guess I am.” I shake my head as I lean over and grab the manilla envelope addressed to me. “I guess I better get going. I have some decisions to make.”
“Yeah, I’ve got to talk to Simon before he tries to sneak out on me. See you tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a plan.” I take a step back and am about to turn around when I realize what Dusty just said. “Wait a minute—you’ll see me tomorrow, as in you’re sticking around?”
Dusty rubs the back of his neck, looking at me like I’m the one who lost my marbles. But I live here, and he lives…hell, I don’t know where the man is from, but it’s not Mason Creek.
“Don’t look at me like that. It’s a logical question.”
“Hmmm—” Dusty narrows his eyes and takes a step forward, closing the distance between us. “Did we not just sit through the same meeting?”
“Mmmhmm.” I glance over his shoulder, refusing to look him straight in the eyes. This guy knows how to charm the pants off a person. I have to make sure mine stay intact.
“Well, then you’re aware I just inherited my grandfather’s home.”
“That means you’re looking at…” he sways to where his face is in front of mine, his baby blues shining with amusement, “Mason Creek’s newest resident.” He winks.
And I die.
This can’t be happening.
“Better yet, it looks like we’re going to be neighbors.”
It’s happening.