Page 6 of Perfect Pact

He was there when I needed someone to scratch an itch. It really was the perfect arrangement. He didn’t take anything more than what I was willing to give—which was absolutely nothing. It was an agreement that worked. After all, his main priority was his child, and mine was survival.

“So, what do you say?” the suit presses a little more.

I could say yes and be treated to a nice dinner and great sex, or I could politely decline and start looking for a job since these bills aren’t going to pay themselves.

“I’m sorry.” I shake my head. “I have a lot on my plate right now. I just can’t.” I smile tightly and turn back around as Hazel raises her voice and Java Jitters goes silent.

“Well, then, if you think you can do this without me, then maybe you should.” Hazel takes off for the door and swings it open pausing for dramatics. “Twisted Sisters is no more.” She stands there, waiting for Hattie to say something, but she doesn’t.

Instead, she pulls her hands out of the pockets of her denim overalls and releases a flock of birds. Two middle fingers to be exact.

Hazel’s eyes go wide before she sticks her tongue out like she’s back in middle school and stomps off.

“What’s Twisted Sisters? A band or something?” Once again, his sexy voice catches me off guard.

I groan. Why can’t he let me be?

“You’re kidding me, right?” I twist around. “Twisted Sisters Ice Cream is a Mason Creek staple and located smackdab in the middle of the park. Which is basically right out those doors and down the road.”

“Hey…” Suit flashes me a sexy smirk, holding up his hands. “What’s with the tone? It was a simple question. Actually, I knew the answer.” He winks.

“You’re unbelievable.” I turn my back to him.

“All right, all right, listen.” The suit comes to stand in front of me just as we’re nearing the front of the line. “I’m going to be honest here. I’m having a really, really shitty morning. And talking to you made it less—shitty.”

I’m not sure what to say. Shitty mornings I can understand. It’s usually how my days begin and end.

“How flattering.” I force a smile.

“I promise you.” The suit sticks his hands in his front pockets as he rocks back on his heels. “I wasn’t trying to come on to you. I just wanted a friend to talk to. That’s all.”

“Really?”This guy is good.

“Yeah.” He pulls out a hand and holds up three fingers. “Scouts honor.”

“You were a boy scout?”

The suit scrunches up his nose. “Nah…not even close.”

“Oh my.” I try to hold back my laughter, but I can’t help it. “You really are something else.”

The suit flashes me a satisfied toothy grin. A smile so perfect, he could land the lead in a toothpaste commercial. “So I’ve been told.”

Just as I’m beginning to enjoy standing in line next to this sexy stranger, his phone rings. “Give me one minute.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket and answers it. “What’s up? The meeting isn’t for another thirty minutes.” His eyes dart over to me, and he smiles while listening to the person on the other line. “I see. Okay. I’ll be there in ten.” He ends the call without saying goodbye. “So—apparently I’m running late.” He squints. “Do you care if I cut in line?”

“Be my guest.” I hold out my arm as the barista asks for his order.

He turns back to me. “What’s good here?”

“I usually get a dark roast and the raspberry lemon tart.”

“Perfect. That sounds good.” The suit reaches into his pocket and pulls out a money clip holding more cash than I probably made a month working for Mr. Jacobs. “And whatever she wants is on me.” He lays two twenties on the counter and flashes me a smile. If his voice is panty-melting, his smile is a flash fire.

“You don’t have to do that,” I lie. Now, with ten extra dollars back in my pocket, I can do the right thing and buy bread, milk, and maybe change it up with some chili ramen instead of chicken.

“I insist.” The suit smiles as the barista sets his order on the counter, and I suddenly regret suggesting a pour-and-go drink.

“Thank you.” What can I say? Free food is my kryptonite.