Lifting her hands up, I place them behind my neck, and she locks her fingers together. She smells so damn good, like sunshine and raspberries. Pulling her to me, I drop my hands to her hips and begin swaying back and forth to the music in the dark bar.
From the second I laid eyes on her, I was attracted to her. When I saw her temper light up for the first time, I couldn’t resist thinking she’s the kind of woman I need—one who will challenge me. Then, when I hear about how hard she’s had to work for what she has, I want to take care of her. But she’s not that girl. She’s head strong and independent—which makes me want her more.
“You know this doesn’t mean anything,” she whispers to herself, her breath against my chest. She lays her head over my heart.
“You’re so wrong, darlin’. This means everything,” I whisper back, knowing she can’t hear me over a song about strangers that sounds like it was written for us. Even if she does, she won’t remember it tomorrow.
The final straw in falling for the beautiful stranger was seeing how much Beth loved my grandfather, and the way he loved her too. He was a damn good judge of character.
She twirls out of my arms then back in as the song ends.
I dip her dramatically, careful to hold her tight. Her wide eyes dip from mine to my mouth and back up. I lean in. This moment couldn’t be more perfect, it feels so right.
“Bartender, two more shots!” she yells, her lips almost brushing mine as she wiggles from my grasp. I hold her until were upright and I’m sure she’s stable.
“I think maybe it’s time to call it a night.”
“What are you, the fun police?” She pouts, and I want to suck on her bottom lip and show her fun.
I look up to see the other girls waving bye. “See? Your friends are even leaving.”
“You’re my friend.” She leans back then falls forward, bumping her pointed finger into my chest.
“Oh, so now we’re friends?” I tease.
“No. We’re enemies, remember?”
“How could I forget?” I keep hold of her as I settle my tab.
Walking through the parking lot seems to be a challenge, so I scoop her up in my arms and carry her to my truck. She wraps her arms around my neck and cuddles into me.
“I like this Ducky—” she giggles, “—I mean, Dust-y Jacobs,a lotbetter than the pastry-stealing, sign-posting asshole you pretend to be.”
I nearly stumble, I’m so caught off guard. Even drunk, she sees right through me.
The drive home is filled with silence, except for the soft snoring coming from my right.
When we get back to my place, I carry her in, lay her on the bed, and pull off her boots, careful not to wake her.
I lean in to adjust her pillow, and she opens her eyes and looks at me with such longing. She mistakes my actions and pushes herself up to place her soft lips against mine. The kiss is so tender, it takes my brain a minute to catch up. I pull back, and her eyes are closed again.
I want to give in so bad, but I’m not that guy.
I remove my own boots and head to the kitchen.
The date was nothing like I expected. It was better. I grab some water, Tylenol, and a bucket. And head back to the room, but instead of wearing her outfit from earlier she’s laying in her bra and panties teasing me.
Fucking black lace.
“Beth, you really know how to test the gentleman in me.” I shake my head, setting everything on the dresser as I reach into my drawer and pull out a T-shirt. “Let’s get you dressed.”
I slide the t-shirt over her head, and a silly grin plasters to her face. “I like this dream.”
“It’s very much real,” I whisper as she reaches up and pulls me down on top of her. “Oh—yeah. That’s not happening tonight.” I push myself off the mattress and back onto my feet.
I certainly hoped the night would end with her in my bed, but not like this.
“Don’t leave me,” she begs.