“These people, these humans with their petty kingdoms and squabbles, they don’t understand you. They don’t appreciate you.”
She just looked at him and let him lead her in the dance. His hands were cold, but his gaze was a like the fire of a volcano, burning into her soul. She wasn’t sleepy, but she felt like she didn’t care anymore about anything. Why did I come here again?
“I could do so much more for you. I have plans. I am going to rule a lot more of the world very soon. You will see. I can be very generous with my best servants.”
What is he hinting at? Daemona wondered. Is he offering me marriage or a job? Her mind reeled as the music carried her to a distant land without vampires or stolen princesses, a place where life was without care and she could enjoy her days amidst good food, good books, and good friends. Why was she here again?
“What do you want?” she asked in a daze. She was tired but curious, drawn to be a winsome partner in his dark design.
“I want what is best for both you and me” he said mischievously, as he swung her far out but then whipped her back into his arms. “I’m going to have you alone return to King Graymont. You will tell him that the mission failed, and that the princesses are gone.”
“Why do you want me to tell him this?” She was curious but not disagreeable, that part of her inner voice seeming to have completely gone to sleep.
Ghul Tark laughed without mirth. “I want to break his spirit before I break his body.”
“You would trust me to do this?” This felt like an honor. This great lord wants me to deliver a message for him. Why not?
“Yes. You are one of my kind,” Ghul Tark said.
He spun her out as they danced, and in that moment, the magic blue crystal that Malkieth had given her finally shifted beneath her vest and touched her skin. The hypnotic spell that Ghul Tark had used on her was broken. He has been trying to capture my mind and warp my own sense of self! She was so angry, it took all of her willpower to remain relaxed in his arms, rather than attack him right then and there. Perhaps she would learn something useful if she played along a little longer.
“I’m no vampire,” she protested. “But I’ll do whatever you want,” she quickly added.
“No, you’re not a vampire, not yet anyway. Perhaps someday. But you are of the dark realm. Serve me well and you will be richly rewarded. Serve the Grey Sovereign and you will be a part of the great beginning.”
Daemona made as if she was pondering the offer. “What else will you need me to do? My master?”
He gave her that fanged smile and drew a brooch from within his cloak. It was fine-spun gold wrapped upon itself in intricate patterns with a large oval bloodstone in the center. “I can see through this. I will hear and see all that you do. I wish to see Graymont’s break, his pain and fear. It nourishes me almost as much as his blood.”
“Even without the princesses, there are still many more Heroes in Greymalkin that will fight you.”
“Of course, there are, but that’s why you will be my eyes and ears in the court. You alone I trust to do this. You will help defeat all those who stand against me and the Grey Sovereign. This is a great day.”
“Why me?” she asked as he again swung her far out and back in hideously close. Ghul Tark smiled again. She could see his protruding fangs.
“I know what you are. A thief and a liar. You are my kind,” he said. “We stand or fall together.”
The saying echoed in Daemona’s mind and she wondered at it. Did he believe that? Can I really deny it?
“All right. I’ll do it.”
“Somehow I knew you would.”
His smile was unnerving, but Daemona did her best to appear to still be under his spell. “What is the fastest way back to Greymalkin Castle, my master?” she asked coyly.
“Let’s not worry about that. I shall have my soldiers escort you nearly to the door of Greymalkin Castle. They will depart just soon enough so that you won’t be suspected.”
“What? You don’t trust me now?”
“I don’t trust anyone.”
“How soon can I go?”
Ghul Tark gave her that wicked smile again. “Just as soon as I taunt your former comrades.”
Daemona had not expected that. “You don’t need to do that,” she said. “Let’s get on with things.”
Ignoring her pleas, he led her back through the doors into the dungeon. Once the captives were watching, he said, “Daemona has agreed to serve me. This will be the last chance I offer that all of you might serve me as well?”