Page 63 of Monster Lover

“You didn’t fail. We won here today,” Daemona said.

Harlin shook his head. “We had Sykaryn and lost her. I can’t understand why she would run into that portal. She must’ve seen whoever took Tamar and rushed in to confront them without waiting for the rest of us.” He ran his hand over his face. “I should have stopped her.”

“There was nothing any of us could do.”

Harlin didn’t hear her. “It had to be someone powerful or Ghul Tark wouldn’t have called to the Grey Empress.”

“Who knows,” lamented Daemona. “But still, we have ended the evil of Ghul Tark, and that must count for something.”

He nodded and put a hand on her shoulder. “You’re right, it does count for something. Soon as they’re able to travel, we need to get back to the king and quick.”

“I’m sure I can help with that,” said Malkieth, rubbing his chin. “I just need to remember that traveling spell.”

Daemona laughed, suddenly giddy that it was all over. She and her comrades had accomplished so much, and it all felt unreal somehow.

She watched as the sky was stained with pinks and purples more beautiful than any sunrise she could remember.

They had lost much, even a few comrades along the way, but Daemona found herself oddly grateful that it all had happened. She turned away from the sunlit Swamp and went to join her friends. Huh. Friends and lovers. She smiled to herself. Didn’t see that coming.