Page 47 of Monster Lover

She had spent so long getting here, and now she could not pull her gaze from the evil place. Towers and vines jutted out from above the trees like rotted teeth. Black windows along a long gray wall were dusty and blank, but still they seemed to leer at her, daring the adventure to continue. She saw no movement, no sign of either life or the undead, but the irrepressible feeling of being watched made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Birds suddenly lifted up from the balustrades and circled one of the lonely turrets and swirled in a circle about the moon.

No, those weren’t birds, they were bats.

A scream broke the stillness and Daemona remembered what she had come here to do.

Chapter 15.

Daemona pushed on the mausoleum’s door and it easily swung open. The most curious thing to her was that Ghul Lykos had also swung the door open on his side, but there were two doors, each going in opposite directions. It was a dizzying trick of glamour, but what else could explain such a bizarre thing other than that Malkieth’s magics had done it?

Ivy stepped forward, “Is this it?”

“It is,” said Daemona somberly.

Only Malkieth remained within the tunnel. He glanced out hesitantly.

Daemona asked, “Are you going back to your hole in the rock, or will you come with us and do some good in the world again?”

Malkieth gingerly stepped to the threshold of the door. “Perhaps I should wait here, in case you need assistance later?”

“What kind of assistance?” asked Ghul Lykos.

“Perhaps if you get hurt and need more healing. It won’t do for us all to be captured and tortured and bitten by the vampire.”

“Thanks a lot,” grumbled Daemona. “If that happens, I think it will be too late.”

“You never know,” Malkieth offered.

“So you will wait here?”

“Yes,” said the Incubus.

They strode carefully around from the mausoleum and Daemona spoke plainly to Ghul Lykos and Ivy. “We have a mission and it’s a hard thing, but I must ask a favor of you both.”

“What is it?”

“I need to be renewed. I need more energy to accomplish al that we have set before us. I know Ivy that Ghul Lykos is your man, but I need his help.”

Ghul Lykos said, “What about using Malkieth?”

Daemona shook her head. “He is an Incubus and that doesn’t work to power us, we need humans of the opposite sex.”

Ghul Lykos looked to Ivy and shook his head.

Ivy however said, “Wait, what if it were both of us? Can both of us help you?”

Daemona answered, “I’ve never done that, but if it makes you feel better about it to be included, but I need his seed.”

Ivy rubbed Ghul Lykos’s chest and said, “Well, so long as I get him started, he will have plenty to give you some, he is a powerhouse.”

They found a soft grassy spot among the tombstones and Ivy used both hands to stimulate both Lykos and Daemona. It felt so good that Daemona began to wonder if it always needed to be man that quenched her desire and gave her the needed energy. Ivy knew what to lick, caress and flick.

Soon the three of them were naked and sweating from exertions. Ghul Lykos had a massive member that was simultaneously sucked and tugged by both women. Each took turns allowing him to let them ride him and also nibbling at each other’s teats.

Daemona threw herself into riding him so well that Ivy at one point asked her to slow and give her a chance.

Daemona reluctantly agreed, as she was so close to climaxing herself, but she relented and stuck her own slit in Ivy’s face for a lick while she waited her turn.

Then as Ghul Lykos was ready, he stood and shot a load across the bow of both women splashing and blanketing their large breasts with his seed. They then each licked every drop from his throbbing cock. Daemona was invigorated almost to the point of what Harlin had done for her.