“I’m protectingZarrah,” he answered carefully. “Any rumors we sow in Maridrina will swiftly spread south, and Zarrah will pay the price. I’ll not do that to the person who risked her own neck to help Ithicana when no one else would. You were there, Lara. You and Jor know better than anyone else the lengths she was willing to go.”

Lara only refilled her glass and then emptied it. Given her health and time away from any form of drink, he had no doubt that the wine was fueling her temper. Which was likely why Ahnna had poured the first glass for her. He silently cursed his sister, who made no secret that she had not, and would not, forgive Lara’s actions.

Ahnna said, “She wasn’t the only one who chose to ally with us. Harendell—”

Aren interrupted her before she could finish. “King Edward himself made the choice to send a handful of ships. His life was never at risk, and Harendell is a formal ally of Ithicana. Whereas Zarrah went against the Empress’s specific orders. Committed treason for the sake of righting a wrong.”

“Debatable,” Ahnna said. “There was no battle at Southwatch. Zarrah committed no treason.”

“But the intent was there.” Aren rose to his feet, pacing the length of the dining room. “It isn’t as though the Empress won’t learn that was the plan. Soldiers aren’t going to keep that secret. For all we know, the Empress has already taken action against Zarrah. Possibly even disinherited her.”

“In which case, there is no reason not to deploy the information in Maridrina,” Ahnna said, her eyes staring pointedly at Lara. “Keris has proven himself an enemy to Ithicana, and we must treat him accordingly.”

Aren’s temper boiled, instinct demanding that he lash out and put his sister in her place for the slight against his wife, but he forced himself to take a breath. “You think whichever of his brothers takes his place will be any better?” When Ahnna said nothing, he slowly panned the watch commanders, using the opportunity to glance at Lara’s face. It was blank and unreadable. “The other princes will wish to avenge their father and will take action against us by trying to regain the bridge. Whereas weknowthat Keris hated Silas, we know he has no interest in avenging him and attempting to take back the bridge, and we know his eyes are fixed south. Call him an enemy if you wish, but he’s the lesser evil and prudence demands that we stay our hand.”

“Doing nothing makes Ithicana look weak,” Ahnna barked. “We must take action and show that those who strike against us will face consequences.”

“Do not presume to tell me what Imustandmust not do,Commander.” His voice was frigid. “While I will never be fully able to express my gratitude for your leadership of Ithicana while I was absent, I am now returned.”

“Then I’ll leave it in your hands to call a vote,” she answered, voice equally as cool. “Unless, of course, that’s no longer how you wish to rule.”

Mara coughed, then rose. “If I might interject, would it not be best to wait to decide on a course of action until we’ve received fresh information from the continent, else risk making decisions based on speculation?”

The other commanders nodded and murmured their agreement.

“Shall we adjourn, then?” Aren wanted to be through with this meeting. Needed to be alone again with his wife, his queen, who had no business being on her feet much less enduring this bullshit. “Or are there other matters requiring my immediate attention?”

Ahnna said nothing, only slid two pieces of paper toward him.

Aren’s stomach twisted with nausea as his eyes skipped over the documents, which were the formal orders for the execution of the individuals who’d tried to assassinate Lara, both requiring his signature. He stared fixedly at the names for a long moment, then picked up a pen, dipping it in the ink pot. But as he reached out to sign his name, slender fingers closed over his wrist.

“I grant them mercy,” Lara said softly. “As queen, it is my right to do so, and I exercise it now.”

“They tried to murder you.”Had nearly succeeded.“While you were unconscious and half-dead with fever, they tried to take your life. They don’t deserve mercy.”

Her azure eyes moved from his face to the pages. “Many see me as Ithicana’s enemy, and there is no law here against killing the enemy. They did what they felt was right and just, and they don’t deserve to be punished for it.”

His anger boiled over. “Bullshit, Lara. They acted knowing that you are my wife, after I’d formally declared to all of Eranahl that you are my queen.”

“Yourqueen.” Picking up the pieces of paper, Lara ripped them in half. “But that does not make me theirs.”

Aren flung the pen on the table, ink splattering everywhere. “That’sexactlywhat it means.” He scrutinized the watch commanders, men and women he’d known for their entire lives, before fixing his gaze on his twin. “I thought I had made myself clear, but in case I have not, allow me to reiterate. If you wish for me to remain Ithicana’s king, then Lara will be my queen. If you demand she leave, then I will go with her.” Jerking a knife from his belt, he drew it across his palm, then squeezed his fist, blood dripping onto the map laid across the table’s center. “On my blood and honor, where Lara goes, I go. Even if it’s to the fucking grave. So let’s do this here and now: Vote as to whether you wish usbothon the throne or not.”

For a long moment, no one moved, and his heart sank. For Lara, tobewith Lara, he’d walk away and never look back. Yet it still gouged at his soul that after everything she’d done, after everything that they’d both done, that his commanders wouldn’t stand with him. Maybe he’d been a fool to expect they would, for his people had suffered and lost as a result of his mistakes, and Lara’s. Still, he’d hoped…

Next to him, Lara rose to her feet, and Aren knew what she was going to say. That she’d leave, if that was what it would take. Ever and always, she was willing to sacrifice herself. Except this time, he wouldn’t let her. Aren opened his mouth to forestall her words, but instead of speaking, Lara took his hand and gripped it tightly, shoulders squared in defiance.

Claiming him and daring anyone to question her right to do so.

To his shock, Mara gave an approving nod. The older woman had once despised Lara, but it seemed that she, like Aster, had changed her tune. Mara climbed to her feet. “I was beginning to fear that you’d lost your balls, girl. Good to see you still have them.” Bowing low, the commander of Northwatch said, “I swear allegiance to Aren and Lara Kertell. Long may they rule Ithicana.”

Nearly as one, the other commanders rose, swearing allegiance to him and to Lara, until only one remained sitting.

Slowly, his sister rose, hazel eyes unreadable. Aren struggled not to hold his breath, because if Ahnna refused to swear, he wasn’t sure what he’d do.

Ahnna took the decision from him as she said, “Given that I will not be remaining in Ithicana for much longer, I formally resign from the role of Commander of Southwatch island. This matter, and Southwatch’s vote, should be handled by someone who will be here to bear the consequences.”

His stomach hollowed. “You’d rather give up your position than bend the knee to Lara as queen? Are you that fucking unforgiving?”