“I’m not hiding in the palace forever,” Lara interrupted. “There is a difference between caution and paranoia. I’m not allowing my life to be ruled by fear.”

“As you wish.” Lia inclined her head, then went to the door and informed Aster and the others of her plans.

Lara retrieved her knives and the cane, which had proven to be of great assistance. The silk skirts of her dress swished around her legs as she limped after Lia, finding Aster and the rest of her bodyguard waiting in the hall. “They’re removing the ruined gate today and I wish to see how the work progresses.”

He didn’t argue, only offered his arm. Today, Lara decided to take it, because the challenge she wished to face was not the stiffness in her leg but stepping out of the safety of the palace and into the city. To surround herself with the people whose acceptance she wished to earn, though she didn’t yet know how she’d do it.

With the aid of Aster and the cane, her progress was much swifter today, and Lara soon found herself standing before the doors to the palace, which were open and flanked by a pair of heavily armed women. Taking a deep breath, Lara stepped out into the sunshine.

“Many left this morning to return to their homes on other islands,” Aster said. “Though there is some uncertainty of what they’ll find, so some will return.”

Those whose homes had been burned or destroyed by her father’s soldiers. Those who had nothing to come back to.

What could she possibly offer them? Gold from Ithicana’s coffers to rebuild was hardly the answer. Nor was building with her own two hands, though she was happy to do so.

Walk, she ordered herself.At the very least, show them that you are not afraid.

Step click.

Step click.

Step click.

The hot tropical sun seared down overhead, the air nearly unbreathable with the thick humidity, but she slowly made her way around the lake at the base of the volcano’s crater. Those doing laundry at the water’s edge stopped their work to watch her, as did those whose shops lined the pathway. Some expressions bore curiosity. Others animosity. But what Lara sensed the most was that she was being judged.

“Be on your guard,” Aster said under his breath, his free hand resting on the hilt of the long machete he favored. “Show no mercy.”

I need to do something. Something worthy of a queen.

But Lara didn’t know what, and the absence of any form of solution drew more sweat to her skin than the sun burning overhead.

Laughter greeted her as they reached the entrance to the harbor cavern, children playing in the waters. Lara paused on the base of the stairs to watch them, at least two dozen splashing in the calm waters, which were empty of vessels, everyone hard at work. Once upon a time, this was where she’d learned to swim under the cajoling of many of these children, and her eyes stung at the memory. She’d been so happy, then. They’d all been so happy.

A shadow passed beneath the children.

“Aster,” she gasped, but he was already shouting, “Shark! Get out of the water!”

The children reacted instantaneously, swimming to the edge and clambering out. The enormous shark rose to the surface and was swimming in circles around a young girl. She screamed, shrill and panicked, and without thought, Lara reacted.

Wrenching out of Aster’s grip, she took two quick steps and jumped.

Water closed over Lara’s head, bubbles obscuring her vision as she kicked to the surface. Screams of panic filled her ears, terrified children as well as Aster shouting, “Calm yourselves! It won’t hurt her!”

If only that were true.

Startled by the splash, the shark broke away from circling the girl, and Lara swam her direction. Ever and always, she had been awkward in the water, and that had not changed. But even with her skirts tangling in her legs, she made it to the child before the shark resumed its circling.

Pulling the crying girl close to her, she gasped out, “Stay calm. Don’t thrash about.”

As the girl calmed, Lara pulled her knife.

It was madness to believe it would do much against such an enormous creature, but if she could stab it when it attacked, it was possible that the girl would get out unscathed. The shark circled, dark dorsal fin cutting the water, and Lara tracked its path, keeping herself between it and the girl.

“Call for a boat! Call for a boat!” people shouted, but above them Aster screamed, “Do not intervene! She is the true queen of Ithicana and it will not harm her!”

Yet above it all, she heard the echo of Nana’s voice.The creatures steered clear of you because your blood was fouled with stimulants.

The shark closed in, head rising slightly out of the water to reveal one of its black eyes. Cold and thoughtless, driven by instinct and need, and entirely incapable of the things Aster and those like him believed. It cared not for what was in her heart, only for filling its belly.