Page 68 of Savage Prince

It might get her killed yet.

“She has a stalker,” I say, running my hand through my hair. “Or at least, that’s what she told me. What did she tell you, Cayde? Because she said a stalker. Not multiple.”

Cayde swallows hard, his face pale in the light from our phones. He looks as sick as I feel. “She got a letter. A threatening one. She thought it was from the Sons, and she told me about it. I thought it was just some jealous girl trying to rile her up, scare her. When she got into that fight, I figured it was that girl. That it wasn’t really the Sons. They work for us, for fuck’s sake! For our fathers, at least. So why the fuck would they hurt her?”

“Her father—” I start to say, but Cayde shakes his head.

“No, fuck that. That might have mattered years ago, but my family took her and her mother under our wing. There’s no reason for the Sons to fuck with her now, knowing that my father protected them, when he’s one of the men they work for.” He runs both of his hands through his hair, his fingers digging into his scalp. “This doesn’t make any fucking sense.”

“And no one thought to tell me about any of this?” Dean has a dark expression on his face, his mouth twisted with anger. “Letters, stalkers, this is the first I’m hearing of any of it. I knew Athena got into a fight—for fuck’s sake, I helped clean her up, but the rest of that is all news to me. So when was anyone going to fucking enlighten me?”

“I wasn’t,” Cayde says coldly. “Because you’re too worried about your precious win and ruling this town to give a fuck about the girl herself.”

“Oh, don’t act like you do!” Dean snaps. “You just want to own her, same as me. You’re obsessed with her, don’t call that anything but what it is, a sickness you’ve been nursing for years. And now you’ve gotten your fix. Don’t act like you love her just because you finally got your cock up her.”

“Will the two of you stop for five goddamn minutes?” I stare at them both. “Stop fucking arguing about whether you care about Athena or not, because standing here having that argument really makes it fucking seem like you don’t. She might be in real danger right now, and you’re still fighting about where your dicks have been.” I shake my head, feeling anger spread through my veins, heating my blood until I can feel the flush of it creeping up my neck. “You two can come with me or not, but I’m going to try to find out where she is. And if they’ve got her, they’ll fucking regret the day they ever considered laying a hand on her.”

“Where are you going to go?” Dean frowns. “We don’t have the slightest idea where they went—”

I smile darkly. “We’re going to start with their clubhouse. We’re going to ask some questions. And then we’re going to go from there.”