“Very good, ma chérie,” he said and pulled it out of her. “Such a good hairbrush is surely washable. That is one out of five. Next,” he said. The next object was cold and smooth and widened as it neared the top. She remembered dinner with Kingsley last night. It had been a party with several of Kingsley’s hilariously perverted friends. He’d let her have one glass of wine. Halfway through dinner he’d caught her staring at him. Winking at her he emptied the rest of the wine bottle into his glass and raised the bottle in a toast to her.

“It’s the wine bottle.”

“You’re a very smart little pu**y, Charlie.” She laughed as he pulled the bottle out of her.

She tensed a little when she felt his fingers again.

Whatever it was he was putting into her was metallic and heavy. And it was big. It had a flat bottom and grooved sides.

“Can I get a hint?” Charlotte asked.

“You’ll find the answer very illuminating.”

She laughed. “It’s a flashlight?”

“Bien, ma chérie. Three out of five.” He gently pulled the flashlight out of her. “The next one I’m quite certain you’ve had inside you before.”

“Probably not. Never done the object thing.”

“Are you sure about that?” Kingsley pushed her open with his fingers again. Again she felt cold smooth metal. But this object was different. It had two parts. She heard something move like the turning of a screw and she felt her vagina start to open up.

She took a hard breath. “You have your own speculum?”

“Of course. I love to play doctor. Especially with such a beautiful and patient patient.”

She waited for him to close it and pull out. But he left it in her. She heard a click. “And the flashlight will do double duty for us.”

Charlotte’s heart pounded. Now she was mortified. She knew he was looking deep inside her.

Kingsley ran his hand up her stomach and stopped at her br**sts. He pinched a nipple and her body responded with a hard contraction. Kingsley laughed. She knew he had seen the muscle contraction with his own eyes.

“That is four out of five. You only have one more and you win. I’m starting to get nervous.”

“I’m the one naked, spread open and being violated here,” she reminded him.

“Yes, you are. Therefore I’m expecting rather gruesome revenge from you.” He didn’t sound the least worried about the prospect.

He closed the speculum and gently withdrew it.

“Last one. If you don’t get this one right, I’ll be very disappointed in you, Charlie.”

“Do your worst.”

“I think I will.”

She shivered when something soft brushed her inner thighs. She felt warm wetness again. Oh, yes, she knew what this was.

“Your tongue,” she guessed and knew she was right. Kingsley pushed his tongue into her and out again. He kissed her inner lips with the same passion and dexterity his used to kiss her mouth. He sucked on her clitoris, ran his tongue up and down her. For what felt like an eternity his mouth devoured her. He pushed two fingers into her and with his tongue and hand brought her to a fierce climax. Her inner muscles rippled and shivered. Her back arched. She pushed her hips up and Kingsley’s fingers went deep into her. The orgasm seemed to last forever. She sank into the chair as her climax faded and left her tired and panting. Kingsley’s hand was at the back of her head. He untied the blindfold and she blinked when the light intruded. Kingsley gazed at her with a dangerous grin on his lips.

“My turn,” he said.

She rolled forward and went down on her knees in front of the ottoman. She unbuttoned Kingsley’s pants and took him in her mouth. For such an alpha male, King didn’t demand oral pleasure very often. He’d once said that if she’s already on her knees he would just f**k her doggy style and give them both a good time. She couldn’t argue with that logic. But now she could tell he was definitely in the mood. He leaned back on his hands and tilted his hips toward her. She paused long enough to reach up and unbutton his shirt as well. Running her hands over his hard muscled chest, she kissed his flat stomach before taking him with her mouth again. He was always so dominant, so in control of everything, that it gave her enormous satisfaction to hear him gasp and feel him flinch with the pleasure she was inflicting on him.

Kingsley reached out and slipped his fingers into her hair. He caressed the side of her face and her neck. It always amazed her how depraved he could seem one moment and how gentle and caring the next.

Charlotte took him deep in her mouth and sucked hard. She teased and caressed him with her tongue. Licked, stroked and did everything in her power to make him moan as helplessly as he made her. Finally Kingsley took a hard breath and came. After swallowing his se**n with more pleasure than she would ever admit to, she leaned back to look at him. With his shirt pulled open all the way to his shoulders and his bullet-riddled chest and stomach on display, he was undoubtedly the most erotic man she’d ever met.

He buttoned his pants and stood up. He took Charlotte’s hand and pulled her to her feet. He kissed her long and hard. She loved that she could still taste his saltiness on her tongue.

“You won the game, Charlie. Whatever will become of me?”

“You said I get to do anything to you I want?”

“Oh, yes. Put me in a dress and take pictures. Make me walk down the street naked. Shave my testicles with a straight razor. Do you need time to decide?”