Page 40 of Finding Hope

Chapter Fourteen

After meeting withClaudia, Naomi had left Cory. It wasn’t official but it was permanent. She had told him she was leaving with a suitcase and while she was putting it in her car he had thrown the rest of her clothes on the front step.

Ever since then she had stopped doing visits and was looking for a job. She had her own money put away and thank goodness because Corey had cut off her accounts the next day. Before Corey she worked in retail, and she figured she could find a job doing the same thing. Well, it was a bit harder than she thought because every place she went liked her but a day or two later would tell her they couldn’t offer her the job. After four rejections someone had pity on her and told her that Corey was calling the places she had gone to and talking bad against her.

Now her mother has been trying to call her for the last week. Her mother always liked Corey. She liked the connections he brought and the money he would give her every so often. Naomi had turned a blind eye to the money giving and the reason she hadn’t answered her mother’s call. She knew where her mother’s loyalty was. However, she knew she couldn’t avoid the calls forever.

“Hi Mom.”

“My goodness, you weren’t answering your phone and you are going through this ordeal I was worried about you,” she said in a huff.

“I’ve been looking for work and getting myself together.”

“Yes, about that. You know you wouldn’t have to do a thing if you would apologize and go back to Corey.”

Naomi sat down on her love seat and pulled up the remote to turn on the television and then mute it.

“Mom it’s over between me and Corey. I hope you haven't called just to talk about Corey?”

“Well really my dear I don't know how we could not talk about Corey. Are you at least going to be able to come by for the picnic this weekend?”

“I told you I wasn't able to commit to the picnic because I don't know what my work schedule is going to be.”

“What work schedule no one will hire you.”

“Why are you so negative? More importantly how do you know I don't already have a job.”

“Well Cory is coming to the picnic.”

“Mom – “

“Don't give me that tone. I know all couples go through things and this is no different. Corey will expect to see you here. The two of you will be able to talk and I'm sure you'll be able to work out whatever it is that brought you to this place.”

“He's cheating,” Naomi said in a low voice.

“Sometimes men do things they regret.”

“But mom she's in the company. I see her- “

“Naomi grow up. you didn't opt to go to school for a career. you called yourself finding yourself have agree in liberal arts. Do you think that your father was Lily white that he didn't occasionally step out? these things happen, and you adjust. You are just because you want to make sure you have a place to sleep and that your children are taken care of.”

“Well, I can't have children.”

There it was. if Naomi had to reduce everything down to a problem it would be that she could not have children. Corey had made no secret that her value lay in his children.”

“I think that Corey and you will have to talk about that.”

“Actually, I don't mom. Whatever was between Corey and myself died a long time ago. I was just turning the other way.”

“You are being ungrateful and spoiled. What do you think is going to happen to a woman like you now? You don't have a degree. You don't have any friends to help you. Sorry was the world and those animals.”

“Before Cory I used to work retail. I can do that again.”