Austin smiled.
“Ah yes I heard about her children Whisper and Smoke,” Austin said with a smile.
Jillian smiled.
“It’s true she has them, but she came to Cooper’s Sand with her friend Tamara. Right now, her friend is fragile so be careful.’
“Thank you. I’ll pull out all of my charm for the ladies,” Austin said. He wasn’t sure what Jillian meant by be careful. Of course, he had heard the rumors that she said with a woman who didn’t want to come out of her home. It spoke volumes of Claudia that she was with her friend despite the challenges it seemed like her friend was going through. “Do you think I should wait until tonight after her store closes to talk to her?”
“No, I think that after you make your announcement that you want to have a local boutique you need to go ahead and speak to her. Once people get the news, they will go over to her store to see what is so special that we need a boutique for?”
“Won’t you need more help than in order to make sales and ring up the cash register?”
Jillian smiled at him.
“No, a little waiting is going to be good for business and I’ll be able to give everybody their one-on-one attention when they come to the cash register.”
“Well then, I’ll talk to Claudia right after the announcement. By the way Jillian I wanted to say thank you.”
“Thank me for what?”
“For helping me out and being my other pair of eyes to know how I should deal with Claudia.”
“Well, that is a dynamic situation. As long as I know that you are not hurting her or that something isn’t going on that’s making her feel bad, I will always be there. You hear me?”
Austin nodded. He heard her loud and clear. That was one of the plus and minuses small towns looked after one another in all aspects. Oh yeah, Jillian was on his side today but if she thought he was doing something wrong by Claudia he knew the town would rally to defend a person they had adopted as their own.
Chapter Eight
If everyone who wasmilling around the store bought one pattern or dress for a child, she would be able to close the store for two month out of the year, Claudia mused. Finally, it appeared that Austin was going to open the doors the warehouse across the way. People started to buy items as they left. It would be a great day no matter what. As Claudia was waving bye to the last customer and ringing up the purchase Jillian tapped her on the shoulder.
“You are going to stay here after all of that secretness,” Jillian said. “I mean it seems like the only time no one can complain about being nosy about a thing because everyone is there being nosy as well.”
“I feel like this is a set up,” Claudia said giving Jillian a stern look.
“Set up or no you need to go over there,” Jillian chided.