I laughed. “He is.”

She clicked her tongue, shaking her head as she peered out over the Providence skyline. “Ah, to be young and in love again.” Turning back to me, she motioned to the chair across from her desk. “But Maddox and the attorney he’s pretending that he’s not dating are not why I asked you to come into the office today.”

“I know I’ve been working remotely a lot,” I said, sitting down and preemptively acknowledging what I thought she was going to scold me for.

We were midweek, but the Red Cocks would be playing their Week 4 game in Florida this weekend. I’d be making local appearances with the Ladies in Red.

“But my clients are my priority and I like to spend as much time as possible on site. All of my projects are on or ahead of schedule. If the furniture move-in goes as planned, I should be finished with the Dobrowski property in Rehoboth by the end of the week.”

Colette laughed under her breath. “I have no doubt that your clients are well taken care of. In fact, I spoke with Ms. Fuller this afternoon. Both she and Mr. Bryant sang your praises about the renovation you did at the penthouse downtown.” She finished her tea and set the cup on a gold-rimmed saucer. “I actually wanted to speak with you about your time with the Reds.”

I raised my eyebrows and lowered my work tablet onto my lap. This was… Uncharted territory. “Oh?”

“I know you took some time off for knee surgery earlier in the year. I was quite surprised when I heard you were returning for another season.”

I swallowed thickly. Colette and most of the firm were aware of my commitment to the Red Cocks simply because my work schedule was a little more packed during one half of the year. But the entire office didn’t need to be privy to my private life. “I returned for personal reasons, not professional ones.”

“You made quite the splash in the media this season.”

I let out a nervous laugh. A “splash” was one way to describe the media maelstrom that had occurred since the tackle. “It was certainly not expected, but I’m managing. I apologize for any undue stress it’s caused the firm. The Reds’ media team is trying to control any narrative regarding the situation, but I know Maddox is still fielding calls.”

Colette let out an uncharacteristic snort. “Oh, don’t be sorry. I gave Maddox a blank check to tell those reporters to fuck off. He’s been having the time of his life. It sure beats scheduling my appointments and picking up my dry cleaning.” She picked up a pen, tapping a note she had written to herself in flawless cursive. “Tell me, Wren. What does your future with the Reds look like?”

I thought for a moment and nearly gasped at the first word that came to mind.


For five seasons, it had been a constant cycle of auditions, rookie summers, preseason, regular season, and recovery. Five seasons of regimented schedules, making the most of every minute of the day.

Holy shit.

Tatum’s low baritone floated into my memory. What does fullness look like to you? Do you want a full schedule or a full life? Because those are two very different things. We both know that football isn’t forever.

I was happy, but I was tired.

Tired of not having a minute to myself. Tired of running ragged by December. Tired of worrying about gaining a pound if I splurged on a milkshake. Tired of missing friends’ weddings or birthdays because I was working every day of the week.

But I was also tired of giving myself to a company that wouldn’t skip a beat if I left. Cora could take over my clients. Maddox would give Colette a recommendation on which junior designer to promote, then bring in a host of qualified candidates to fill the vacant entry-level role. But I wasn’t just talking about Colette James Design.

If I left the Reds today, Jewel would probably take my place on the fifty-yard line. She would knock the stadium dead with her long legs and Hollywood smile. Priyanka—even though this was her rookie season—would take over for me as our group leader. She could handle the pressure and responsibility. The fans at the local events we made appearances at wouldn’t miss me. They didn’t know our names. They didn’t know I was an interior designer or that Jewel was a massage therapist. They didn’t know that Lacey, one of the other dancers, had a Ph.D. All they wanted was a pretty face to dance to music. They didn’t care who it was.

If I disappeared today, there wouldn’t be a void anywhere in my life.

“I apologize if I struck a nerve,” Colette said, bringing me back to the present. “I was just curious if you had thought about whether or not you’ll spend another season with the team after this.” She slid forward in her chair and set her pen down. “I’ll be frank. I’m expanding the design firm. I’m looking at opening a branch in Manhattan. Possibly New Haven. Focusing the office here on projects in-state and north of Rhode Island. The new branch would take on New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut clients. Maybe even as far as Philadelphia.” Her voice softened. You’re my best designer, Wren. You’re passionate about your clients and passionate about doing good work. And much to my dismay, you don’t have qualms about getting your hands dirty. I need someone like that to run the new branch. It would mean leaving Rhode Island, leaving your commitments to the Reds—after the season ends, of course. But I think it could be quite the opportunity for you.”