Gideon would have already faked a pass to our halfback.

I turned my head just in time to see Theo struggling to hold off a defensive lineman. Gid avoided a sack and fired the ball toward me as the offensive line collapsed around him.

Mason charged in front of me and leaped into the air to intercept the throw. His hands came up empty, though.


He recovered quickly and sprinted after me like a high-speed train.

I weaved to the far-right corner of the five-yard line and jumped with my arms up. Shit! Gideon had pitched it higher than I expected. A few more inches, and I’d have the damn thing. My back arched as I reached behind my head, desperate to save the play.

Leather slid into my gloves like a dream.

I pulled the ball to my chest and rotated mid-air to line up inside the pylons. My feet hit the ground, and I ran like my life depended on it.

Mason caught up and rammed into me with the force of a small country. His momentum and weight thrust us through the end zone and out of bounds. He landed on his side, but I plowed forward, unable to stop.

Photographers dove out of the way, and a swish of blonde hair, silver pom-poms, and skimpy red fabric filled my line of vision. The unsuspecting cheerleader spun around and hit me with a pair of familiar harbor-blue eyes, followed by bouncing blonde hair that was warm like preseason sunshine.

“Shit!” I yelped, then smashed into her and flattened her lithe body like a pancake. My facemask pressed a waffle pattern into her cheek.

A collective groan filled the stadium.

She coughed and winced. “Tatum?”

Fuck me sideways.That angelic face had haunted me since I arrived in Rhode Island. I cupped my hand around the back of her hair. “What are you doing here, Little Bird?”

Her eyes blinked once, twice, then rolled back in her head.

“Medical!” I shouted as I laid Wren’s head back on the turf and hefted my body off hers. I pushed my mouthguard out as I knelt beside her unconscious frame. A team trainer and physician were sprinting toward us from the thirty-yard line.

Mason Miller dropped down beside me. “Holy shit. She okay?”

Wren’s eyes were still closed, and her silver pom-poms were clutched in her fists.

What the fuck…The Ladies in Red uniform she had on left me with more questions than answers.