She laughed. “Glad I could exceed expectations.”

“I still don’t know what to expect from you and I think I like that. It just means that every day we get together will be a new adventure.”

“I miss you,” she admitted. “Is that weird to say?”

“Who cares if it’s weird. I miss you too,” I admitted. “It’s weird knowing you were here, but I don’t get to see you.” All at once, I realized how quiet my apartment was. How empty it felt.

“But I’ll see you Sunday night,” she said hopefully.

A smile quirked on the corners of my mouth. “Yeah, beautiful. Sunday.” I mopped up the mess on my stomach with her panties. I’d wash them, but she wasn’t getting them back.

“I’m excited to meet everyone—all your friends.”

“Good,” I said. They’re excited to meet you, too. My buddy’s wife might kiss you. It’s been a long time since I’ve brought a woman around. I think she was getting worried that I’d turned into a monk or something.”


It seemed more like she was asking if I was really sure I wanted to introduce her to everyone and less of her sounding excited that she wasn’t the next in a long line of conquests. “Yeah. Really.”

Wren sighed. “What are we doing, Tatum?”

I laughed. “I don’t know about you, but I want to be doing you.”

She snorted. “Okay, I kind of left the door open on that one.”

“You did.”

“Can I ask you something?”


“Is this just a hookup thing?” Quickly, she added on, “Because it’s okay if it is. I just… I like knowing where I stand with someone. And I know it’s a little weird because I’m working for you right now, but—”

“I’d rather it not just be a hookup thing,” I admitted. “But let’s get through Sunday and make sure that you still wanna be in this with me before we make any decisions, yeah?”

That seemed to appease her. Wren was organized chaos. She seemed genuinely okay with the idea of no-strings fun, but a little reassurance that we were operating on the same wavelength was never a bad idea.

She let out a stifled yawn, and I felt my own tiredness seeping into my bones. “Night, Tatum,” she mumbled, though she didn’t end the call.

I shuffled onto my side, getting comfortable enough to fall asleep to her gentle breathing. I wished she was beside me, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. “Night, Little Bird.”

* * *

Wren was nowhereto be seen the rest of the week. Her schedule was packed, and Coach Tyson had us living and breathing Reds football every second until game day.

Sunday dawned, bright and humid. I rolled over in the hotel bed and rubbed my eyes. Theo was my roommate this season. It was protocol that the entire team stayed in a hotel, regardless of the game being at home. It helped get everyone on the same page and prevent douche canoes like McBride from partying the night before a big game. Gideon got his own. Lucky bastard.

“Has she bailed on your sorry ass yet?” Theo asked through a yawn.

I grabbed my phone and swiped across the screen. Wren—the early bird—had texted me at five this morning, excited to hang out tonight. I told her it was going to be a quiet get together with some of my “friends from work.” It wasn’t a lie, but it probably wasn’t what she was expecting.

“Nah,” I said as I texted her back. “She’s excited to meet everyone. You bringing the kids over?”

My condo was almost done. Wren had been busting her ass this week to get the finishing touches in place. Since I had been out of town—staying in a hotel five minutes from the stadium—last night, she worked until midnight, getting all the furniture arranged and decorations in place. I had asked her for pictures—preferably of her in my condo, naked—but she said that I’d have to wait until Sunday night.

I had invited Gideon and Heidi, and Theo and his kids over for an impromptu housewarming party after the game. It seemed a little more indirect than wanna come over and meet the woman I hooked up with?

“Yeah,” Theo said as sauntered into the bathroom. “Is it cool if Angie comes?”