I slid behind her and nestled my groin against her ass. “Who’s gonna catch us?”

A low fence separated our stretch of sand on the resort property from public access. Occasionally, a passerby would hop the fence and wander down the beach. They would only have themselves to blame if they saw more than they bargained for.

I toyed with the bows along her hips that held her bikini bottom together. Without warning, I yanked on one, undoing the bow and letting one half of the thong fall away. I untied the other much more slowly, teasing her with each touch. Her eyes were closed, and her back pressed against my chest.

“How does that feel?” I said softly as I slid my hands down her thighs, spreading them further apart. Thanks to her dancing career, she was flexible. I wanted to see just how far I could push her. I trailed a fingertip along her slit, grazing her clit with each touch.

Wren let out a strangled whimper. Voices carried across the beach, and she panicked.

I pushed her legs apart and trapped her ankles with my feet. She smelled sweet, like coconuts and vanilla. I kissed up the back of her neck and smiled at the shivers that ran down her spine. “So beautiful,” I murmured as my fingers returned to her pussy. I could feel the throb of need deep inside her as I slid a digit into her core.

Wren cried out but clapped her hands over her mouth to silence it.

“You’re so wet, Little Bird,” I said as I nipped at her ear. “Being out here like this turns you on, doesn’t it? Knowing that anyone could walk by and see your pink little pussy dripping for me.”

She couldn’t get the words out. Not with my fingers filling her to the brim.

I didn’t want to leave her pussy unattended—that would’ve been rude of me. The ties around the back of her neck that held her bikini top up had to go. They were taunting me. Teasing me.

I managed to get the end of one between my teeth and yanked. Wren’s hands flew to her chests, holding the top up. “Tatum!” she hissed. “We could get in so much trouble! What if someone catches us? What if someone gets a picture?”

I reached around her torso and circled my hand around her wrist, pulling it away and behind her back. One red triangle fell away from her breast. Begrudgingly, I removed my fingers from her pussy and pulled her other hand away, locking them behind her back in my grasp.

“We won’t get caught,” I promised as I cupped her breast. “But you like the possibility, don’t you?”

Reluctantly, she nodded.

“Then enjoy it, love.” I teased her clit. “There’s no rush. No schedule to keep. Just you and me.”

Wren melted into me. Every ounce of hesitancy melted from her muscles. I released her wrists, but kept her tight against my chest, thighs parted wide. Every moan, every little whimper, every shudder and shiver told me that she was finally letting go. Trusting me, not just with her body.

I took my time, massaging her breasts, kissing up and down her shoulder, whispering dirty praises into her ear. Wren’s breathing was ragged as I plunged my fingers inside of her and twisted them. “Tay—” her plea of my name was choked off by a wave of euphoria.

“You getting close, Little Bird?”

Wren nodded.

“Don’t rush it,” I soothed as toyed with her nipple. “Let it build. How many more times in life are you going to be naked on a beach in broad daylight?” I crooked my fingers inside of her and hit that pleasure zone that drove women nuts. “When we’re back on the field at the stadium and you feel the sunshine on you, this is what I want you to think about. How free you are in this moment.”

That was enough to send her careening off the edge. Wren keened and thrashed as her orgasm washed over her, but I held her safe against my chest.

Her eyelids lowered and her mouth formed a lazy smile. I cleaned my fingers with a beach towel. We stretched out together on the lounge, though it was a tight fit for two grown adults. My body took up most of the white cushion. I was okay with that, and I was fairly sure Wren was too, considering she was snuggled up on top of my chest.

Footsteps neared and a knock on the cabana’s wooden post startled from our vacation snooze. “Mr. Bryant?”

Wren jolted awake and quietly hissed, “I’m naked!”

I rolled onto my side and pulled her against my chest, covering her front with mine. Her ass, though… I skated my hand down her plump, bare cheek and squeezed.

“Yes?” I called out.

A resort attendant, a young man in his early twenties by my guess, poked his head inside and dropped off two frozen cocktails. Wren buried her face in the crook of my neck while I caressed the curve of her butt. She pinched my skin and muttered a colorful string of profanities under her breath.

The attendant rattled off a list of amenities available to us and provided a list of lunch options. I was hungry, but what I wanted to taste wasn’t on the menu. The flustered kid drew back the woven flap and excused himself, though his gaze lingered on my Little Bird until the opening fell shut.

I gave Wren’s ass a squeeze when he was finally out of earshot.

“You—” she hissed, rocketing up and pawing around for her swimsuit.