Page 60 of Chasin' Cole

I really hope she does change. Not just for me, but for her, too.

We both hear a car door shut and look up. Outside the window, I see a familiar SUV. One I never expected to show up in my driveway.

I wrap my arms around myself as I step out onto the chilly front porch. Standin’ in front of me is Rowdy with his shoddy toolbox in hand.

“I heard you bought a place,” he starts. “I, uh, thought you might need some help reparin’ that barn.”

I take a deep breath. “Brock and Howard are in there now.”

Rowdy takes a step forward. “I…I’m sorry, Rose. I should have showed up long before now.”

I nod my head. “You’re here now. That’s a start.”

“I guess I’ll see ya in there?” He motions towards the barn.

“I’ll be out in a second. Do you want me to bring you a cup of coffee?”

He holds up his thermos. “Would you mind fillin’ this up?”

I hold out my hand. “I would be happy to.”

I watch him walk towards the barn. He glances over his shoulder at me and smiles.

Maybe people don’t always show up when you want them to. Maybe they show up when you need them to.

Annabeth sits on my lap while I wait for Lacey to return with food. It's Potluck Sunday at church, so everyone brought a dish to share for lunch. I picked up store bought bread rolls. I've never been much of a cook. I don’t see that changin’ anytime soon. Thank goodness for grocery stores.

I play with one of Annabeth's blond ringlets while she squirms in my lap. She never sits still, just like Brock. She turned four in November, a month ago. We went for a long ride on our horses and had a picnic by the creek, under the changin' colors of the tall oak tree. It was the first day in a long time I smiled.

"What's your favorite color?" my niece asks me as her arms wrap around my neck.

"Hmm," I pretend to think. "I'm gonna have to go with red."

"Red?" Annabeth's mouth drops open as she twists to stare up at me. "But pink issomuch better. Or purple. You should choose purple.”

"Should I?" I smile down at her.

"Yes!" Annabeth excitedly squeals.

"I don't know," I hitch a shoulder, "I do love red roses."

"You're hopeless," Annabeth slumps in my arms.

"Tough crowd," I hear behind me.

I turn in my chair to find Jordan standin' there, a plate in his hand. "Hi."

"Hi," he beams back at me.

"Are you goin' to join us?" I raise my eyebrows.

He hesitates for a moment, but then sits down at our table and says hello to Annabeth.

After our first date, Jordan asked me out on another. We went miniature golfing and then decided we were better off as friends. OKIdecided that. I don't think Jordan feels the same way, though. I catch him starin' at me when he thinks I'm not payin' attention and he's always findin' reasons to touch me. Usually just a brush of the arm or his hand restin' on my shoulder. But there just isn't a spark for me. And I'm not willin' to force something that doesn't feel right. I know what right feels like and I won’t settle for anythin’ less.

Thankfully, Lacey interrupts the awkward silence as she hurries over to us with Brock trailin' behind her. She sets a plate down in front of me and winks. "Got you a little of everything and a slice of chocolate cake. I think Blanche made her famous mac n' cheese. If we want seconds, we're going to have to scarf this down. You know how fast it goes. Brock sweet talked the recipe out of her. So, we’ll have to make it ourselves.”