Page 41 of Chasin' Cole

“I feed them, exercise them, and make sure they’re healthy and clean. It’s not that glamorous.”

“Yeah,” Cole gives me a lop-sided grin, “but someone has to do it. You do it well.”

“Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I had been born to different parents.”

“You mean therightparent?”

“Howard’s great,” I shrug. “But he’s still very much a stranger. And he’s so busy with Mama. I don’t…where do I fit in?”

Cole kisses my forehead. “You fit with me.”

“I fit until you leave.”

“Let’s not worry about leaving. Let’s focus on now.”

“I want to, but I keep thinkin’ about how much it’s goin’ to hurt when you’re not here. Where do I fit then?”

“Wherever I am, Rose, that’s where you fit.” He pats his chest. “You fit in my heart. Right here. Where you belong.”

“Sometimes, I can’t believe you love me.”

“Why not?”

“Because,” I briefly close my eyes before openin’ them. “You’re Cole and I’m Rose.”

“Exactly,” he grins.

“Is it too soon?” I tilt my head to the side. “Too soon to feel this strongly?”

“I don’t know,” he chuckles. “I’ve never loved anyone this way before.”

“I’ve never loved anything this way before, either.”

“Let’s make our own rules, then.”

“I like that.”

We stare at each other as the setting sun casts an orange glow around the room. There are so many unspoken words hangin' over us. So many feelings and emotions I'm not goin' to unpack now. I'll save that for later when he's gone. For now, I’m content to be with him. Content to be in the moment.

Cole stands, keepin' my hand in his. "Let's make breakfast."

"But it's dinnertime," I remind him.

"You can have breakfast any time of day," he argues. “Breakfast for dinner is my favorite." His face is full of love and devotion as he motions for me to follow him. And I do. I follow him into the kitchen. I’d follow him anywhere, I think, if he really wanted me to. If he asked. If he helped me pack my bags.

When I started chasin' Cole, I never imagined he'd really fall in love with me. I didn’t think he’d feel this way this soon. But he did.He does. Whatever tomorrow brings, whatever seasons may come and go, I know in this moment, I'll never love anyone the way I love him.

"You coming?" Cole calls over his shoulder as he opens the fridge and pulls out a carton of eggs.

"Comin'," I say as I stand from his bed and turn to look back at it.

I'm always goin' to love Cole. Distance won’t change that. But am I willin' to give up everythin' in the future to chase him around the world? My heart says yes, yes, yes!

So why is my head suddenly sayingno?

Chapter 14 – The Ring
