A dark-haired woman walks over to our us and rests a hand on the table. Her fake nailsclackagainst the rough wood. "You boys looking for a good time?"
Clint shakes his head. "No."
"What about you?" she directs toward me.
I shake my head. "I'm good."
She raises her eyebrows before wandering over to another table.
"We should go," Clint exhales.
"We just got here," I furrow my brow.
"I..." he trails off.
"You what?" Now I'm interested. The man never runs out of things to say.
"I don't want you to be tempted by someone here when you have Rose waiting for you back home," he shrugs.
I lean forward. "Does this mean you care about me?"
Clint childishly crosses his arms over his chest. "No."
"You do," I tease him.
"Fine," he glares back at me. "I care about your unhealed trauma."
"Is that all?"
Clint blinks slowly. "I also care about your relationship with Rose."
"I appreciate that, Clint."
"Can we go now?"
"If you insist," I hitch a shoulder. "I don't enjoy being hit on all night."
"Told you not to change your pants," Clint winks at me. "Not a single woman hit on me. I call this look my grungy, nearly homeless attire. My wife would be proud."
We walk back to the hotel and part in the hallway. I use the keycard to unlock my door. When I'm inside, I strip my clothes off and climb into the uncomfortable bed. Like all the nights since I left, I plug my phone in, turn on the TV and settle in. After I mute the sound with the remote, I grab my phone and pull up the gallery. There, in dozens of photos, is my Rose. Slowly, I swipe through them. Rose in my truck. Rose in front of the creek. Rose at the fair. Rose sleeping in her bed after we fought Della Ray's fire all night. Rose sitting in the bed of my truck.Rose, Rose, Rose. I miss her. I miss her more than I thought possible.
As I stare at the only photo of the two of us, a selfie as the sun set behind us, my heart throbs again.
I do have unhealed trauma. The need to run at the first sign of trouble. Years of wondering why no one believed me. Why Kenzie would use me in her sick, twisted game of Who's Emmeline's Daddy. Why Brock would choose someone as conniving as Kenzie over our lifelong friendship.
I want to be whole for Rose. I wonder where I start.
Maybe with some roots.
Maybe I heal with Rose and roots.
Chapter 20 – Road Trip
I pull into the gas station and take a deep breath. I think I've spent more on gas this road trip than I spend in hay. I miss my horses. I miss home. There's somethin' strange about the way Colorado smells. It doesn't smell like home. No wet grass. No thick, muggy air suffocatin' you as the sun sets on the horizon. There are mountains, though. Lots of mountains in Colorado. And so many cars. I can see why people like living here.
I'm stopped in a mountain town. One that had an affordable Airbnb to stay in. I also wanted the full mountain town life experience. Walkin' everywhere. Seein' the sights. Listen' to nature without the constant stream of cars drivin' in the background. The pine trees dottin' every mountainside. I think I could live here. Maybe not forever, but for a little while. Especially if Cole wanted to. I probably shouldn't be thinkin' that way, though.
Before I bid farewell, I need to fuel up. Only 12 more hours before I'm home. I left three weeks ago. I traveled to Nashville, then slowly made my way through the northern states before reaching Wyoming and Montana. You know how they say the sky is bigger up there? Let me tell you, it really is. Big, blue sky as far as the eye can see. But why is it so dang windy?