Page 2 of Chasin' Cole

Cole runs a hand through the strands of dark hair falling in waves along his forehead. "When did you grow up, Ring Around the Rosie?"

Ring Around the Rosie.

He used to call me that when I was younger. I hated it then. Still hate it now.

"When you were in the Andes Mountains trekking through the highest peaks of the Western Hemisphere," I quip. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to swimalone."

"You know there are snakes in there, right?" he takes a step forward, wearily eyeing the water.

"Don't you dare come any closer!" I yell at him. "I don't want you to see me in my...underthings."

"Underthings?" he chortles. "Is that what the cool kids are calling underwear these days?"

"Cool kids?" I raise my eyebrows in amusement. "Did you age a hundred years while you were in Alaska?"

"No," Cole winks. "But I can promise you I'm wise enough to know what to do with a woman when she's in just herunderthings."

I swallow hard. "You should go before anyone sees us down here. What would they say?"

Cole chews on his lower lip. "Let me think, Rose. What would they say? Something like 'that Cole Strickland is one lucky man. Rose Young looks awfully good in just herunderthings'."

I use my arm to splash water in his direction. "You're lookin' for trouble."

"I always am," Cole winks.

"Even when it comes to my name and reputation?"


"You need to leave, Cole. I didn't come down here to give you a free show."

"I didn't come down here for a free show. I merely stumbled upon it. I'm innocent in all of this."


"No." He stands firm. He always has. Cole's just as stubborn as I am.

I groan. "Please, Cole, before anyone finds out you saw me like this. I could get in trouble. You know how things are around here. I'll be branded a hussy. Is that you want for me?"

"A hussy?" Cole laughs. "That's a stretch."

"I could be!"

"I didn't know you were going to be here, Rose."

"But I am," I try covering myself up as much as possible with my arms.

"We can share the spring, Rose. We have for years. There's plenty of room for the both of us."

"You infuriate me, Cole Strickland!"

But he doesn't seem to hear me. Instead, he's gripping the bottom of his white T-shirt and tugging it over his head before I can protest.

Sweet baby Jesus.

His body is...well, it's a freakin' masterpiece of sculpted abs and golden tanned skin. I should look away. I need to look away.
