Page 35 of I Can Fix That

A deep voice came from behind me, interrupting my thoughts. I turned around and a young man, probably still in college, was standing there. He was handsome, with short blonde hair and blue eyes. He was clean-shaven and wore a navy blue polo shirt. He was cute I supposed, but not like Grant. He wasn’t striking in a mysterious, dark way. He was adorable, like a puppy or a little duck.

“Oh. I’m just waiting on my…” friend? date? contractor? “…friend, he’s getting another drink.”

The pretty boy gave me a broad smile with his perfectly white teeth.

“Well, I could help you beat him if you wanted me to show you how?” His offer sounded innocent, his voice was sweet, and it didn’t seem like a pickup line. But I was weary.

I took a look back to the bar where Grant was. His face was scowled, eyebrows drawn in and lips pursed. Beau was saying something to him, but he wasn’t responding, he just stared at me with his arms crossed as he leaned against the bar.

I looked back to my new friend, “I’m good, I’m just letting him win for now.”

He let out a chuckle and backed away from me, “Alright. Just thought I’d check.” He walked away from the pool table and I felt my stomach ease at the sign of Grant coming back over.

“What did that guy say to you?”

Grant’s hands were clenched around his glass and his eyes were centered on me.

“Nothing really, he offered to help me school you in pool but I already told him I’m letting you win.”

Grant didn’t pick up on my playful attitude. He turned his head to stare down the blonde man I previously spoke with.

“So he was hitting on you?”

His aggressiveness towards another man talking to me gave me the need to call him out on this I don’t want you, but he can’t have you attitude.

“So what if he was? It’s not like we’re together.”

Grant looked taken back at my outburst. His dark eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly agape.

“And you’re fine just talking to a random stranger in a bar who wants God knows what with you?”

I was equally annoyed and incredibly turned on by his possessiveness.

“It’s not like you want anything with me.” My voice was just over a whisper, scared of his response to come.

Grant placed his beer down and took a step closer to me, his mouth merely inches from mine. He placed a loose strand of hair behind my ear, and goosebumps raised down my arms. He whispered intensely in my ear, his lips lightly brushing against me.

“You have no idea what I want.”

Good lord, why is it so hot in here? Where’s my good ice when I need it?

He picked his beer up and continued to take a sip as if the touch he gave me didn’t affect him at all.

He looked back to where the young man stood and opened his mouth to comment, but I reached out to grab his beer from him. I purposefully placed my mouth where his lips were on the cup and took a sip. I had no clue what kind of beer it was but I knew it was disgusting and reminded me that this was also why I never drank.

My face must have reflected my taste buds because Grant was now smiling down at me and grabbing the glass back out of my hand. It tasted gross but it got his attention back to me, so it was worth it.

We played one last game before our two friends approached the table. Ashley flashed me her bright smile and Beau said a quiet hey to Grant. He has his arm around her shoulder and looking at them, you can tell they have genuine chemistry by the way they fit so naturally together.

Ashley cleared her throat, granting my attention, “I think Beau and I are gonna go hang out at his place. June, are you good to stay with Grant?” I knew precisely what hang out meant, and I was slightly embarrassed, and a little jealous that she could be so blunt about her intentions with a man when I couldn’t even make eye contact with Grant without blushing.

“I’ll be fine, Ashley. As long as Grant doesn’t mind?” I looked up at him and he shook his head no, “It’s no problem. I’ll take her home.”

Beau led Ashley away from the table and once she was out of his sight, she winked at me and walked past us toward the front door. Beau looked back at Grant and me, and threw us a quick thumbs up and a cheery smile. These two were dangerously adorable and I couldn’t help but giggle at the combo of their giddy interaction.

“You were right.” Grant said right next to my ear, “It was definitely a mistake to introduce those two.” I smiled up at him and leaned into his presence. I noticed the bar had been filtering out slowly and there were only two couples left in the place. “Do you want to head out?” He nodded quickly and pulled out cash to cover our drinks plus a considerable tip. I clutched onto his arm, we exited the bar and the cold air hit my exposed legs making me shiver. I wish I ignored Ashley’s previous comment, You can’t wear a jacket with this dress, it ruins the entire ensemble.

I cocooned my arms around my exposed chest, and before I knew it, Grant wrapped his jacket around my shoulders. I placed my arms in the holes and looked down at the coat hanging down to my knees. The sleeves engulf my hands and make me look like I was swallowed by a khaki monster. I catch sight of myself in the windows of the bar and can’t help but laugh at the sheer size difference between Grant and me.

He guided me to his truck and I hopped up into the passenger seat, settling into the worn leather and taking in the overwhelming scent of his vehicle. As he made his way to the driver’s seat I breathed deeply through my nose, wanting to savor the smell of Grant’s truck.

Grant took me home that night and walked me up to my apartment. He placed a soft hand on my back and put a loose strand of hair behind my ear as he whispered goodnight to me. He gave me a tender kiss on my forehead and for once in a really long time, I felt the urge to invite a man into my house to spend the night. But I pushed that urge down and said goodnight back.

As I crawled into bed and began drifting to sleep, I felt my phone buzz.

Cranky Contractor: Sweet dreams, Hart.