Page 92 of If I Could

“I am. I’ve joined an artists’ group that meets every Saturday morning where people share their work or just talk about what inspires them. I went to the first one yesterday and loved it.”

Walking into the house I smell a hint of that stinky sofa. Its stench still lingers in the air. I need to open the windows again. It’s going to take awhile to get rid of that smell.

“So how about you?” my mom asks. “How was the firehouse event?”

“It was okay. I didn’t stay long.”

“Did you go with Nina?”

“I met her there. I went with my new neighbor.”

“Oh, that’s right. The young man that’s renting the house.”

“Yeah, that’s him.”

“How much do you know about this boy?”

“Um, let’s see. He’s a writer from L.A. doing research for his book, which is about a small town in Kansas.”

“Seems rather extreme to move somewhere to do research. He could’ve just interviewed some people. Done research online.”

“He’s also here to finish his book. He’s behind on his manuscript and thinks he’ll get more done here than back home.”

“What’s his name? Maybe Hattie would know him.”


“My new friend. The opera singer.”

“Why would she know him?”

“She’s an author. Authors might know other authors, or maybe she’s at least heard of him.”

“He’s not published yet so I doubt she’s heard of him. But his name is Kyle. Kyle Shadwick.”

“I’ll just mention him to her. You never know. So was this a date you two were on last night?”

“Not really. I mean, I guess it was but…it’s complicated.”

“What do you mean?”

I always tell my mom everything but I’m not sure if I should tell her this.

“Sage, what is it? What are you not telling me?”

I sigh. “I’ve been having some issues at work. My boss, Jesse, keeps asking me out, even after I tell him to leave me alone. I know I should report him but it wouldn’t do any good. In small towns like this, the locals take the side of the people who are from here and since I’m not, they’d take Jesse’s side. I know it’s not right but it’s just how it is.”

“Honey, why didn’t you tell me this?”

“Because there’s nothing I can do about it. It is what it is. Anyway, going back to last night, I brought Kyle to the fundraiser so Jesse could see us together and hopefully give up trying to date me.”

I’m not going to tell her about the fight they had. She doesn’t need to know.

“And did it work?”

“So far it has. I had to work today for that oil change fundraiser and Jesse didn’t even talk to me. I guess he didn’t really have time with all the oil changes but still, I don’t think he’ll bother me anymore.”

“So you and Kyle aren’t dating. You’re just friends.”