Page 81 of If I Could

“I took martial arts,” Kyle says.

“I might have to sign up for that.”

“What’d you do?” I ask Kyle.

“Kicked him at the knees.”

“And caused that?” I point to a still unconscious Jesse.

He grins. “There might be a little more to it than that, but basically, yeah, that’s it.”


I hear Nina’s voice. “What happened? What’s going on?”

Lance stands up, his nose bloody and swollen. He talks to Josh, “I’ll get the other guys to carry him back to the car.”

Josh nods.

“Holy shit,” Nina says to Lance. “Did Jesse do that?”

“Yeah. I didn’t see it coming. The fucker’s fast.” He walks off, wiping his nose on his sleeve.

“You guys okay?” she asks Kyle and me.

“We’re fine,” I answer.

“What about me?” Josh asks her. He has some blood on his lip but that’s it. “Aren’t you going to ask ifI’mokay?”

She rolls her eyes. “You’re fine. And besides, it’s not my job to ask if you’re okay. That’s your date’s job. Where is she, anyway? Shouldn’t she be here cleaning that blood off your mouth?”

“Lacey found someone new.” He points to the dance floor.

“She dumped you already?” Nina laughs. “That’s hilarious. What’d you do wrong? Did you make those stupid duck noises? I told you girls don’t like that.”

“It’s for hunting,” he says to Kyle and me. “And other than the ducks, I’ve only shared that talent with Nina, who you can tell was impressed by it. She’s still talking about it.”

“I wasn’t impressed. It was stupid.” She looks at Lacey again. “So what happened? Why’d she dump you?”

Josh shrugs. “Don’t know. But her loss.” He wipes his mouth, which seems to be bleeding more.

Nina looks at him and sighs. She grabs his arm. “C’mon. I’ll clean you up.”

“I thought that was my date’s job.”

“It was, but she dumped you for another guy and I’m about to vomit looking at all the blood on your face.” She drags him away.

“It’s not that much,” he says as they walk toward the fire station. “I can probably clean it up myself.”

“Just shut up and let me handle this.”

I laugh. “Those two are meant for each other.”

Kyle isn’t laughing. He pulls me off to the side, away from Jesse’s lifeless body. “We should get out of here.”

“Why? You don’t have to worry about Jesse.”

“It’s not about Jesse. It’s about being here. I want to leave. We accomplished your goal of convincing Jesse we’re going out, so there’s no need to stay here.”