Page 77 of If I Could

As we’re walking away, I hear my name.

“Sage!” I turn and see Josh waving at me.

“It’s Josh,” I tell Kyle. “He wants to talk. C’mon. Let’s go over there.”

“No.” Kyle pulls hard on my hand. “We’re leaving.”

“We’re not leaving.” I yank on his hand, just like he did to mine, then say, “Stop acting like this. This was supposed to be a fun night but you’re ruining it by being all cranky and moody.”

He sighs, his eyes on Josh. “One hour. And then we leave.”

“Sage,” Josh says as he walks up to us. He has a big smile on his face but no date on his arm. Maybe Lacey had to use the restroom.

“Hey, Josh. This is Kyle.” I point to him. “He’s new in town.”

“That’s what I hear.” Josh eyes Kyle in a suspicious way. It could just be something cops do, or it could be because Nina told Josh her concerns about Kyle. “So you came here to finish your book, huh?”

“That’s the plan.” Kyle looks directly at Josh, as if trying to prove he’s not lying. He must sense that Josh is suspicious of him.

“How long are you here for?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“Got tired of California? Just thought you’d check out rural Kansas?”

Kyle’s jaw tightens and he moves it side to side just slightly, then says, “My book is set in a town like this. It’s research.”

“How’d you find Miller’s place? It wasn’t even up for rent.”

“I drove through here when I was looking for a place to stay. Saw Miller sitting out on his porch and stopped and asked if he’d like to rent me his house.”

“You must’ve paid him a lot to get him to agree to that. As far as I know, the man’s never left the state. Never had much desire to.”

Kyle doesn’t answer.

“You must be doing well financially,” Josh says.

“Yeah, that’s why I rented out a shitty run-down house,” Kyle says in an angry tone.

“Kyle.” I hold his arm. “Why don’t we get some food?”

“What do your parents think of this?” Josh asks. “You running off to the middle of nowhere?”

“I don’t give a shit what my parents think. I’m 25. I can do what I want. And it’s parent, singular. My mom is dead.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Yeah.” Kyle smirks. “You seem real sorry.”

“Kyle.” I tug on his arm. “Let’s go.”

“I don’t know if I’m allowed to. I don’t think your cop friend is done interrogating me.”

“I wasn’t interrogating you,” Josh says casually, lifting his beer to his lips. “Just trying to get to know you.” He swigs his beer.

Kyle stares at him. “I’m not looking for friends.”

“Then I guess that means you’re looking for enemies. Keep that attitude up and they’ll be easy to find.”