Page 75 of If I Could

“Really?” I ask, giving her a deadpan stare.

“I don’t play games like that.”

“Then what’s with the dress? That is not what you wear to a country jamboree or whatever you guys call this. That dress is so tight and short I don’t know how you can walk in it.”

“I felt like wearing something nice tonight. It had nothing to do with Josh.”

“Then if you’re not bothered by him being here, go up and talk to him. Go say hello.”

“I’m not going over there. He’s busy. And I’m busy getting to know Kyle, who by the way is freakin’ hot.” She lowers her voice. “Has he always been that hot?”

“Well, yeah. You saw him in the truck that day.”

“From across the street. I didn’t get a good look at him. But seeing him now…damn, he’s something to look at. I get why you want to do the nasty with him.” She pauses. “Did you already do it?”

“No. We’re not in an relationship. We’re keeping it casual.”

“Meaning casual sex. No strings.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“If you ask me, you two are already past casual.”

“What do you mean?”

“The way he was holding your hand, acting all protective. The way he was looking at you. He’s got a thing for you. And you feel the same way about him. This isn’t gonna end well.”

“It’s not like that. We’re getting closer, yes, but it’s not going to go anywhere. We both know it’ll end so there’s no use making it into something it’s not.”

“You say that now, but what are you going to do if you fall for him? Like fall in love?”

“That won’t happen. I won’t let it.”

“Like you can control it?” She laughs. “Yeah, okay. You’re already halfway there and don’t even know it, so if you think you can stop it, you’re wrong.”

“I’m not—”

“Whiskey,” Kyle says, setting the plastic cup in front of Nina, “and a beer.” He hands me a bottle, keeping the other one for himself.

“So Kyle,” Nina says, “what’s your story?”

“I thought Sage already told you.”

“What’s yourrealstory? Why are you here? Why this town over some other small town? If you wanted to research small towns, you could’ve done that in California. Or Arizona. Nevada. Someplace closer to home.”

“My book is set in Kansas. I needed a small town in Kansas.”

“Huh.” She stares at him a moment, then downs her whiskey all at once, slamming the cup down when she’s done.

“You might want to slow down there,” I tell her. “The night just started.”

“What about your family?” she asks Kyle. “Brothers? Sisters? Parents still around?”

“I have a…” He coughs. “I have a sister. Older. She lives in France. Works for a company there.”

“Really?” I turn to him. “What company?”

“Just a small clothing company. She majored in fashion.”