Page 73 of If I Could

He pauses. “Yeah. My book. I’ve been thinking more about the story and I think I’m going to take it in a new direction. I didn’t like where it was going.”

“So you started writing again?”

“Not yet but I will tomorrow.”

“That’s great!”

“Yeah.” He gives my hand a squeeze. “We should get going. Your friend’s probably waiting for us.”

We walk past the firehouse to the back field, which is lit up with colorful lights strung along poles that outline the picnic tables and dance floor. Tall field lights are set up farther back and will turn on when it gets darker.

“Sage!” I hear Nina’s voice and see her hurrying over to us, almost tripping on her high heels. A dusty field is not the place to be wearing high heels but I’m guessing they’re meant to attract the attention of Josh. The same is true of her dress, which is a very short, tight red dress that belongs at a dance club not a town fundraiser.

“Nina.” I give her a quick hug. “You really dressed up tonight.”

“This?” She shrugs. “It’s nothing special. It belongs to my cousin but she never wears it so she let me borrow it.”

“Are you going to a club later?” I kid with a smile.

She smirks, eyeing me up and down. “Are you going to a hoedown?”

“Actually, yes.” I look around. “That’s what this is, right?”

“Doesn’t mean you have to dress like it.” She yanks the hem of her dress down. She’ll be doing that all night. It’s so tight it keeps riding up when she moves.

“Hi.” Kyle holds his hand out to her. “I’m Kyle.”

“Nina.” She takes his hand and uses it to pull herself closer to him, motioning him to lean down.

“What is it?” he asks, now face-to-face with her.

She lowers her voice. “I told everyone here to leave you alone. If they step out of line, let me know. I’ve got dirt on everyone in town. If they bother you tonight, they risk their secrets getting out.”

“Thanks,” Kyle says, standing up straight again.

“Yeah, thanks, Nina,” I say. “Not sure I agree with your methods but whatever works.”

She keeps her eyes on Kyle. “Don’t assume this means I like you. I’m only helping you because Sage asked me to. You hurt her and you’ll be on my shit list. And ask anyone here, that’s not a good list to be on.”

“Got it,” he says, putting his hands up in surrender.

She laughs. “Scared you, didn’t I?”

“Kind of.” He takes my hand and Nina notices.

She leans into us and says in a hushed tone, “You two look like a real couple.”

We are a real couple, at least according to what Kyle said earlier. He keeps confusing me. Sometimes he acts like he doesn’t want us going out but then he acts like he does.

As far as Nina’s concerned, I need to play it cool and pretend Kyle and I are just friends. She knows we kissed but I made it sound like it wasn’t a big deal, which it wasn’t. We’re still getting to know each other, so for now, we’re friends who share an attraction to each other. Where it goes from here I’m not sure.



“Jesse’s going to be pissed,”Nina says. “Seeing you two together like this? I wouldn’t be surprised if that boy tries to fight you,” she says to Kyle.

“Bring it on,” he says. “I can take him.