Page 70 of If I Could

“I brought dinner to his house, we ate, and then I came home.”

“Did you get anything out of him?”

“Not really. We just talked about random stuff. Nothing too personal.”

“And you don’t find that strange?”

“Guys never say much. That’s just how they are.”

“Not when the subject is them. Guys love talking about themselves. They’re egomaniacs.”

“Not all of them. Stop reading so much into this. He’s just a private person.”

“Did you guys do it?”

“No. We didn’t even kiss. It was a totally platonic evening.”

“That’s boring.”

“It’s what you wanted! You keep telling me to just be friends with him.”

“I don’t think you two should even be friends, but it’s no use telling you that. You don’t listen to me.”

“There’s no reason we can’t be friends. We’re both outsiders in this town so it makes sense we’d bond over that. It’s nice to finally have someone who knows how I feel. So did you tell people about him?”

“Yep. I went straight to my number one gossipers. Ralph’s wife, Patty, and Alice from the sewing shop. Oh, and Ted from the hardware store. He gossips more than the women. Telling those three, the whole town should know about Kyle by now.”

“You told him he’s a writer from California. That’s it, right?”

“I added a few more details.”

“Nina! I told you not to make stuff up.”

“I didn’t. I just said he had a motorcycle and that he was renting out Miller’s place for the summer. And I might’ve mentioned you had him over for dinner.”

“Nina, that was not part of the plan. Why’d you tell them I had him over?”

“What’s the big deal? You’re going to show up with him as your date tomorrow night.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Never mind. It’s fine. So did they ask you questions about him?”

“A few, but I didn’t have any answers.”

“What did they want to know?”

“Where he grew up. What his parents do. That type of thing.”

“People in this town are so nosy. Why can’t they mind their own business?”

“Because nothing ever happens here. When someone new comes to town, it’s like free entertainment. And no offense, but you haven’t been that entertaining. You’re kind of boring.”

“Thanks,” I say with a laugh. “I’ll try to stir up some trouble to be more interesting.”

“I’m sure Kyle will. That guy sounds like trouble.”

“He’s not. He’s just as boring as me. Nina, I have to get to sleep or I’ll never get up in time for work.”

“Before you go, what time are you coming over tomorrow?”