Page 68 of If I Could

He exits out the back door and heads to the shed.

The guy scared the shit out of me showing up here like that, but he turned out to be a nice guy. The problem is, he’s a judge, and judges can read people. They look for signs you’re lying. Signs that say your story isn’t true.

So as much as I like Hank, I need to watch out for him. He can’t find out the truth about me.



“What’d you think?”I ask, getting up from the table.

Kyle and I just finished off a rack of Tony T’s famous ribs, some pulled pork, potato salad, and Tony’s homemade cornbread. I’m stuffed.

“It was great.” Kyle brings his plate to the sink where I’m rinsing mine off. “Let me do that. You’re my guest tonight. You shouldn’t be cleaning.”

“When you weremyguest, I made you carry my couch outside, open all my windows, and spend the night on the floor.”

“True.” He gives me a smile. “You kind of suck as a host.”

“Hey! You offered.”

“Just kidding. Oh, that reminds me, I need your help loading the couch in the truck. I was going to drop it off at the dump tomorrow.”

Returning to the table, I get our glasses and bring them to the sink.

“You want to do it right now?”

“Sure, if you’re up for it.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You seem kind of tired.”

“I am,” I say, drying my hands on the towel. “I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“BecauseIwas there?”

“I don’t think that was it. I was just tossing and turning a lot.” I go around him but he takes my hand, pulling me back. “What are you doing?”

He looks me in the eye. “Are you afraid of me?”

“Afraidof you?” I let out a nervous laugh. “Why would I be afraid of you?”

“I don’t know. Sometimes I get the feeling you are.”

“If I was afraid of you, I wouldn’t have let you stay at my place all night.”

“You’re acting nervous.”

It’s because of his intense stare, and the tight hold he has on my hand. He hasn’t let go and now his other hand is wrapping around my arm.

“Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“No.” I pull on my arm until he lets go. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“If you want to know about me, then ask me. Don’t go behind my back.”

“I didn’t go behind your back. And for the record, asking you questions gets me nowhere because you never give me answers.”