Page 31 of If I Could

“What’s tonight?”

“Drinks at Healy’s. It’s two for one, remember? First round’s on you.”

“Shit, I forgot about that. Can I get a raincheck?”

“Why? What happened?”

“I made plans. I’m really sorry. I totally forgot we were going out.”

“Plans with who?”

“Um…” She’s going to be mad, but to be fair, she’s ditched me more than once to go out with a guy. And unlike her, I didn’t do this intentionally. I honestly did forget we’d made plans. “Kyle’s coming over.”

“Kyle, the serial killer?”

“No. Kyle, the guy who just moved here.” I swear I’m going to stop talking to her if she keeps calling him that. She knows how much I hate it when people in town mutter things like ‘criminal’ or ‘thief’ when I walk by, so she should know I don’t like that type of stuff being done to someone else either. She doesn’t even know the guy and she’s already making assumptions about him.

“You’re having him over to your house? Are you crazy?”

“We’re just talking. Getting to know each other. He was just here, dropping off his motorcycle. As I was taking his information down, we were talking and I invited him over. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. And I don’t want to cancel on him now because he’s already at the store buying stuff for dinner.”

“You’re making him dinner?”

“Just grilled cheese. It’s all I can afford but he was fine with it. And then he offered to go to the store for me, which was really nice of him. He wouldn’t even let me give him money.”

“Because he wants to sleep with you. Buying you groceries is code for ‘I want sex later’. So unless you’re ready for that, you might want to cancel your dinner plans for tonight.”

“He’s just being nice. It’s not about sex.”

“I’m not making this up. I’m a cashier. I know this shit.”

“You’ve seen guys buying girls groceries in exchange for sex?”

“All the time.” She must’ve put some gum in her mouth because I can hear her chomping on it.

“How do you know that’s what they’re doing?”

“Iseeall. Iknowall. Have you not figured this out by now?” She pops a bubble, which makes me cringe.

“That was really loud. Could you not do that in the phone?”

“Sorry. My cravings are bad this morning. I’ve already been through two packs of gum. I accidentally swallowed a piece. Is that shit about gum sitting in your stomach for seven years really true?”

“Shouldn’t you already know that? You just said you know everything.”

“About the people in town, smart-ass. Not facts about gum. So what are you going to do?”

“About what?”

“Kyle. You’re really going to have him over to eat grilled cheese and make out on the dead lady’s couch?”

“We’re not going to make out. He told me he’s not looking for a girlfriend.”

“Which is code for ‘I’m just looking for sex’. That’s why he bought you the groceries. How are you not seeing this, Sage? He’s giving you all the signs.” She pops another bubble. “Oops. Shit. Sorry.”

“He’s not giving me any signs. And if he tries anything tonight, I’ll…” I pause to imagine what I would do if he kissed me. How I’d react.

“You’d what? Have sex with him?”