Page 30 of If I Could

He was smiling but got serious when I said ‘evasive’. I didn’t mean it as an insult. It was more of a comment about our interactions, because every time I ask him a question about himself he changes the subject. Maybe he took offense to the term, but evasive is the best way to describe him.



Kyle stands up.“I should go. The grocery store is just down the street?”

“Down the street and to the left. The sign is really faded and hard to read. Just look for a building that looks like a warehouse. Oh, and make sure you check out at Nina’s register. She’s a cashier there.”

“Got it.” He shoves the list in his pocket.

“No, wait. Nina’s not working today. Go to Val’s lane. She’s the second fastest. Whatever you do, avoid Opal. She’s the slowest cashier ever and she’ll ask you about every item you buy. She’s like 90 and has blue hair.”

“I’ll be sure to avoid her.” He grins. “Can I go now?”

“Yeah.” I walk him to the door and notice the bloody bandage. “Wait. I forgot to change your bandage. Follow me out to my car. It won’t take long.”

We go to the back lot where the employees park and I get my first aid kit. Yesterday was the first time I ever used it. I keep it in my car for emergencies. I have one in the house too. Living out in the middle of nowhere, I have to be prepared. If I ever get hurt it’ll be a long time before an ambulance reaches me.

As I’m changing the bandage, Jesse walks out with a bag of garbage in his hand. On his way to the dumpster, he stops and yells out, “Everything okay out here?”

“Everything’s fine,” I tell him. “I’m still on break, by the way. I have another five minutes.”

He keeps his eyes on Kyle and me as he brings the bag to the dumpster. He mutters something to himself as he goes back inside.

“I get the feeling he doesn’t like me,” Kyle says.

“You’re competition. The new guy? Single? All the girls in town will be after you. Which means all the guys your age will hate you.”

“I’m not looking to date anyone.”

“You’re not?” I hear a hint of disappointment in my voice. I hope he didn’t notice.

“I’m not going to be here long enough. It wouldn’t be right to start something with someone and then have to end it.”

“Did you leave someone back home?”

“I had a girlfriend a few months ago but that’s over. Haven’t dated anyone since.” He touches the bandage I just put on. “Is this good?”

“Yeah. You’re all set.”

“Then I’ll see you tonight.”

“Yeah. Bye.”

He walks around the building to the front, where his truck is parked. I remain outside and lean against the car as I check my phone.

I call Nina. “Hey, are you up?” I ask, because sometimes she sleeps late on her day off.

“Yeah, I’m up. I had to drive Butthead to work. He had a flat tire.”

“Why didn’t his girlfriend take him?”

“She was already at work and couldn’t leave. Anyway, what’s up with you?”

“I’m on break. Thought I’d check in and see what you’re doing.”

I hear her yawn. “I was just about to eat something and then I’m going shopping. What time do you want to meet up tonight?”