Page 22 of If I Could

“There IS no deal. I’m not interested in him anymore.”

“You sure about that? Because from over here, it looked like you two were a couple.”

“Why do you say that?” She holds up a tube of lipstick. “This color doesn’t work on me. You want it? It’s brand new. Only used it once.”

“Okay.” I take it from her. My tight budget doesn’t allow me to buy makeup so I’m happy to take a freebie. “Going back to you and Josh, you two have real chemistry. And no matter what you say, I can tell you still like him.”

“We USED to have chemistry. We don’t now.”

“Yeah, you do. I just witnessed it. And Josh is right. The fact that he doesn’t live here isn’t a good excuse to break up with him. It’s not like he lives in Alaska. He’s only an hour away.”

“I’m going for a smoke.” She scoots out of the booth. “You want to come?”

“I’ll walk out with you but I need to head home. I have to be at work at seven.”

“I have tomorrow off. I’m going to sleep all day then maybe go shopping. You want to come with?”

We walk outside and she lights up her cigarette.

“I’d love to go but it’s not really fun when you can’t buy anything.”

“I get it. I’ve been there. I’m STILL there, but I want to get a new skirt for the firehouse fundraiser on Saturday.”

“I thought you weren’t going.”

“Talking about it made me change my mind.”

“Are you going so you can keep an eye on Josh?”

“No!” She blows out a puff of smoke. “It has nothing to do with Josh. It’s about going out and doing something. It’s not that often this town has a party. You’re going with me, by the way.”

“I don’t know about that. The angry townsfolk may come at me with pitchforks.”

“You’ll be fine. If anyone says anything to you, I’ll smack them upside the head, or kick them in the groin, depending on what type of mood I’m in that night.”

“What if I want to bring a date?”

“A date? Like who?”

“I don’t know. Maybe the new guy.”

“You’re going to ask the serial killer to go on a date with you?”

“Okay, seriously, you have to stop calling him that. And it doesn’t have to be a date. He could just come with us. Like you said, he’s going to get bored sitting in his house all day.”

“He’ll probably say no, but if you really want to ask him, then go ahead.”

A red truck pulls in across the street at the hardware store.

“Isn’t that Mr. Wilson’s truck?” I ask.

“Yeah. And that’s not Mr. Wilson.”

We watch as Kyle gets out of the truck.

“That’s him,” I say. “That’s the new guy.”

She squints to see him. “He’s too far away to get a good look, but from here, hedoeslook kinda hot. He’s got a nice ass, at least.”