Page 20 of If I Could

“So get a roommate. I know a cop who’s looking for one.”


He just smiles at her.

She whacks him. “I’m not living with you. We broke up.”

“We lived together every weekend when we were dating.”

“It’s not the same. And we’re not dating. Can we end this conversation now?” She brings her plate back in front of her.

“If you only dumped me because I don’t live here, we can work around that. That’s not a reason to break up.”

“It sure as hell is, which I proved by breaking up with you.”

“She’s impossible,” I say to Josh. “Arguing with her gives me a headache, which is why I try to avoid it.”

He chuckles. “She’s definitely a challenge.”

“I’m right here!” She points to herself. “Stop talking about me.”

Josh ignores her and says to me, “Who’s she dating now?”

“No one. In fact, I don’t think she’s dated anyone since you.”

“Because I’ve already dated all the eligible men in town,” she mutters.

“So if she refuses to date guys outside of town, I guess she’ll spend the rest of her life being single.”

“Guess so.” I pour more ketchup on my plate.

Lacey appears again. “Two bacon cheeseburgers.” She sets them in front of Josh.

“Thanks! Looks great!”

She stands there, staring at him.

“I’m good,” he says to her. “I don’t need anything else.”

“Oh, um, I was just wondering if I knew you from somewhere. You look familiar.”

“I live in Kansas City but I used to come here now and then.” He glances at Nina. “To visit a friend.”

“Police officer, right?”

“That’s me.”

“So um…” She clears her throat. “Are you seeing anyone?”

He smiles. “No. Why do you ask?”

“There’s a fundraiser for the fire department this weekend. There’ll be a cookout and a band. There’s dancing but we don’t have to dance.” She chews on her lip.

“Are you asking if I’d like to go with you?”

She shrugs. “If you want, then yeah.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He gets his wallet out and hands her a card. “There’s my number. Give me a call later with all the details.”