Page 139 of If I Could

“Because of you,” he says as though that should be obvious.

“Me? What do I have to do with this?”

He chuckles. “You don’t know?”

“Know what?”

He returns to the drink cart and fills his glass again. “I thought that’s why you left. I assumed you found out.”

“Found outwhat? I left because you tried to kill me.”

“That was a warning. If you’d kept quiet, you would’ve been fine.”

“I DID keep quiet,” I lie. “I haven’t told anyone. Now tell me what you were saying. What do you think I knew?”

He swirls his drink in his glass. “When she cheated the first time, she became pregnant. She swore it was mine so I took her back, not wanting to break up our family.”

He’s trying to tell me something but I’m not sure what.

And then it hits me and everything suddenly makes sense. Why I’ve never connected with him. Why he loves Cain but not me. Why he’s willing to kill me.

“It was Mom,” I say. “The woman you’re talking about is Mom.”

“My beloved wife,” he says, gripping his glass.

“I’m not your son.”

“No.” He sets his glass down and pulls out his gun. “Which is what makes this so much easier.”



“Dad,”I say, trying to muster up any drop of fatherly instinct he has for me. He can’t completely hate me. He raised me. He did at least a few father-son activities with me over the years. It’s his hatred of my mother and what she did that’s fueling his rage right now. “I didn’t do anything wrong. Like you said, I stumbled into something I shouldn’t have. I promise I won’t tell anyone what I saw or what I heard. I’ll go away. I’ll never come back.”

“It’s not that simple. You’re like your mother. You can’t be trusted to keep quiet.”

“I have nothing to tell anyone. I don’t even know what it is you’re doing. I saw stuff but I don’t know what it means.” I slowly get up.

“Don’t move.” He steps closer, his gun aimed at me.

“Even if I knew what you were up to and wanted to tell someone, it’s not like I could prove anything. I’m not a threat, Dad. You don’t need to do this.”

“Maybe I want to.” He sneers. “Maybe I’m sick of looking at HIM whenever I look at you.”

“Then I’ll go away like I said. You’ll never have to see me again.”

I’m trying to think of a way out of this but my mind keeps going back to what he said about my mom and how she died. She was allergic to shellfish. So allergic that even a small amount could be fatal if she didn’t get a shot of epinephrine right away. The night she died, she was with my dad at a party at someone’s house. She accidentally ate something that had remnants of shellfish either on it or in it. She went into anaphylactic shock. Her epinephrine pen jammed and her extra one wasn’t in her purse. She died on the way to the hospital.

He did something to that pen and made sure she didn’t have an extra. He obviously put something in her food that night. And because he’s a greedy bastard, he sued the people who hosted the party as well as the caterer, and won. The asshole killed my mom and made millions off her death.

“Dad?” I hear Cain’s voice and whip around to see him coming down the stairs.

“Cain, what are you doing here?” my father yells.

“I got home early. What’s going on?”

“Go to your room! Now!”