Page 133 of If I Could

Kyle backs his chair up so fast it falls to the ground. I go to pick it up but he’s in my way so I just stand beside him.

Mr. Bonacci lets out a short laugh. “Well, what a surprise.”

He’s staring at Kyle and Kyle is staring back at him.

“Do you two know each other?” my mom asks.

“We do indeed,” Mr. Bonacci says. “This is my son, Jonathan.”

Wait—what? His son? He’s obviously confused. He didn’t even get Kyle’s name right.

I look at Kyle to correct him but he doesn’t. He doesn’t say a word, his eyes locked on the man.

“Your son?” my mom asks. “Kyle is your son?”

“Yes,” Mr. Bonnaci says. “And his name isn’t Kyle. It’s Jonathan.”

What the hell is going on here? Is this man telling the truth? Kyle is his son? And his name isn’t Kyle?

I look at Kyle to deny it but he’s just standing there, not saying anything.

I think I’m going to be sick. Everyone warned me about him but I didn’t listen. I trusted my instincts, which told me he was just a regular guy. But my instincts were wrong. He’s a liar. He conned me into thinking he was someone else. But why?

What else don’t I know about him? What is he hiding?



What the hellis my father doing here? When I called Hank from the hotel last night he said my father was still in Boston.

Now that he’s found me, I’ll never get out of the city alive. He’ll have his guys track me down and kill me.

“Jonathan and I have been estranged,” my father says. “He ran off last May and I’ve been trying to find him, hoping to resolve our differences.”

Sage is looking at me, completely confused. I have to tell her what’s going on before my father has her believing some story that isn’t true.

“Excuse us,” I say, taking Sage’s hand. “We need to leave for a moment.”

“Are you kidding?” Sage yanks her hand back. “I’m not going anywhere with you! You lied to me! You told me your name was Kyle and that you were a writer from California!”

The waiter approaches us. “If you’d like to continue this, you’ll need to step outside so as not to disturb our other patrons.”

I lean down to Sage, lowering my voice. “I promise you I’ll explain everything if you come with me.” She eyes me suspiciously, like she thinks I’m dangerous, so I say, “We’ll go to the lobby. We won’t leave the building. I swear.”

“Sage, why don’t we sit down?” her mom says. “We’ll get this all straightened out.”

“Sage, please,” I urge.

“We’ll be right back,” she says to her mom.

“Don’t go too far,” I hear my father say as we’re leaving. “I wouldn’t want to lose you again.”

I glance back and see the sinister grin on his face.

That man is not the father I know. I never got along well with my dad. I knew Cain was his favorite son but I accepted that, thinking we just didn’t click or something. I had no idea my father was capable of murder. I didn’t know he could be that evil.

The restaurant is in a hotel. Sage and I go to the lobby and I lead her to a quiet spot down from the reception area. The place is crowded and there are security cameras everywhere so I know she’ll feel safe here. It pains me that she thinks it’s even possible I’d ever hurt her.