Page 128 of If I Could

“So this is about Kyle?” I roll my eyes. I’m so tired of Jesse being jealous of Kyle. “I thought we were done talking about this.”

“I did, too, until I found out more about him.”

“You’ve been spying on Kyle? You have nothing better to do with your time?”

“I haven’t been spying on him. I got this information from my cousin, Travis.”

“The one who lives in Kansas City?”

“Yeah. He was in town yesterday so we went to lunch and as we were leaving, we saw your boyfriend coming out of the grocery store.”

“You better not have said anything to him.”

“I didn’t. I ignored him, but Travis kept looking at him. He said the guy looked familiar. He called just now to tell me he remembered where he’d seen him.”

“Which was where?”

“At a town like two hours from here. There’s nothing there other than a bar and a gas station.”

Kyle didn’t mention leaving town. It’s not like I expect him to tell me everything but taking off for a two hour drive seems like something he might want to explain, especially since he’s always saying he needs to stay home and write.

“When did he see him there?” I ask.

“Maybe a month ago? Could’ve been longer. He couldn’t remember the exact day. He said he saw him go into the bar.”

My gut is telling me this isn’t good. That Kyle is trying to hide something. Something he doesn’t want me knowing about. But I love Kyle and have to trust him. Maybe he was doing research for the book, but then why wouldn’t he tell me?

“So he went in to get a drink,” I say. “Big deal.”

“He went during the day. The place is only open at night.”

“Yeah? So? What are you saying?”

“Travis said the place is known for dealing.”

“Dealingwhat? Drugs?” I suddenly feel anxious and a little sick. Kyle wouldn’t do drugs, would he? I see him all the time and he never acts like he’s on something.

“Drugs and…other stuff.”

“Like what?”

“Guns. If you need to get a gun without people knowing, that’s where you go.”

“And how would Travis know this?”

“His dad got one there. He said they had all kinds, and if they don’t have what you need they can usually find it for the right price.”

“So your uncle is a criminal.”

“He used to be. He’s not now. He got the gun a few years ago. Tried to rob a convenience store and got caught.”

“If it was that long ago, then how do you know this place is still selling guns?”

“Because my uncle knows people who still get them there. You can also get burner phones, knives, fake IDs. The place is basically a shop for people who are up to some bad shit. And your boyfriend was there. Travis saw him go in the building.”

“That doesn’t mean anything. Why was Travis even there?”

“He has a buddy nearby that he rides motorcycles with. They were meeting at a parking lot that’s behind the bar. While he was waiting for his friend, he saw Kyle pull up and go inside. He didn’t see him come out. His friend got there and they took off.”