Page 57 of If I Could

“Are you saying I’m not normal?”

“See? Once again, you didn’t answer my question. Instead you responded with another question.” I return to my desk. “It’s so freaking annoying.”

“And yet you still find me cute,” he says with a smirk.

“Ugh,” I groan. “So annoying.”

“I’ll let you get back to work.” He turns to leave.

“It’s after twelve. I’m on my lunch break.”

“Okay, well, have a good lunch.” He opens the office door.

“Wait,” I say.

He turns around. “Yeah?”

Why did I stop him? I should let him go home and write or do whatever it is he does at this time of day. But I don’t want him to go, which makes no sense and sounds pathetic if I think about it for too long. So I scratch the logic from my brain and go with my initial thought.

“Do you want to have lunch?”

“You’re already starting your get-Jesse-to-leave-you-alone plan? I thought that wasn’t starting until Saturday.”

“It is. This isn’t about Jesse. I just didn’t want to eat lunch alone.”

“What do you normally do?”

“Eat at my desk. But it’s a nice day out and I feel like getting some sun.”

“And you want my company.” His mouth ticks up into that annoyingly sexy smile.

I sigh. “I’m not going to beg, so if you don’t want to then just forget it.”

“I don’t have a lunch, but I can sit with you while you have yours.”

Shoving his money into the cash drawer, I say, “Never mind. I’ll just eat here.” I close the drawer and open the one above it that has my lunch, which consists of PB&J with a bag of chips. I have it every day and am sick of it but it’s cheap and easy to make.

“Let’s go,” Kyle says as he sees me opening my lunch sack.

“Forget it. I’ll just see you tonight.”

He comes over and snatches my lunch sack just as I was about to reach into it. “Hey! Give it back!”

“You wanted to eat outside so we’re eating outside.”

“I’m not sitting there eating while you watch.”

He thinks for a moment. “Is there a vending machine?”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t have much in it.”

“I’ll make it work. Where is it?”

“In the garage by the break room.”

“Head outside. I’ll meet you in the back parking lot.”

“We can’t eat out there. Jesse will come out and bother us. We’ll have to walk down to the lake. It’s just beyond the parking lot, through the trees. It’s not far.”