Page 54 of If I Could

“You want to stay another night?” I joke.

“If you want me to, I will.”

“I was just kidding.”

“Really, Sage. I don’t mind. Do you want me to stay tonight?”

“Um…you really don’t have to. I’ll just wait until the weekend and air the place out when I’m home.”

“I heard we might get a storm this weekend. Tonight would be better.”

I didn’t hear anything about a storm. Did he just say that so I’d let him stay here again? But why would he want to stay here? Is he thinking we’ll do something? Even after he told me he didn’t want that?

“I’ll think about it,” I say, still fighting with the window. “I can’t get this one closed.”

He comes over to me. “Let me try.”

I step aside and watch as he lifts it up, then shoves it down, his arm and shoulder muscles flexing with the movement. I feel a flutter in my stomach. The same one I felt when I met him, when I saw his face for the first time. I felt it again when I kissed him, along with an arousal so strong I couldn’t deny it. Seeing his muscles flex has me feeling it again.

“It’s locked now,” he says, motioning to the window. “The other ones are good too. Need anything else before I go?”

“No. That was it. Thanks for your help.”

He walks to the door. “Have a good day at work. Tell Jesse your boyfriend wants to know when his motorcycle will be done.”

I laugh. “I think it’d be best to hold off on telling him about you until your motorcycle is fixed. But I’ll check on when it’ll be done.”

“Thanks. See you tonight.”

Once he’s gone I hop in the shower and get ready for work. When I arrive at the garage, Jesse is working on Kyle’s motorcycle.

Usually I go straight to the office, but today I stop and talk to Jesse. “Think you can fix it?”

“I can fix anything,” he says, picking up some wrench-like tool. I know almost nothing about cars or what you use to fix them. Luckily, I don’t have to know any of that to work here.

“What’s wrong with it?”

He stops what he’s doing and looks at me. “Since when are you so interested in repair jobs?”

“I’m not. I was just making conversation.”

He sets his tool down and stands up. “You never make conversation, at least not with me.”

“Seriously, Jesse?” I roll my eyes. “It was a simple question. Do you have to read so much into it?”

“When it’s you? Yeah, I do, because I’m trying to figure out what’s going on with us.”

“Nothing’s going on with us, and nothing ever will. I’m your employee. That’s it.” I walk off. “I have to get to work.”

“Is this about that guy?” I hear him ask.

“What guy?” I ask, still walking.

“The asshole frat boy you were drooling over yesterday.”

I stop and turn around. “Why’d you call him a frat boy?”

“The way he was dressed? That haircut? He looks like one of those stuck-up frat boys.”