Page 18 of If I Could

“Anyone watching his house while he’s away?”

“I’m sure someone is.” I glance at Nina, who’s giving me a questioning look, like she’s wondering why I’m not telling Josh about Kyle.

I’m wondering that too.



“Tell him about the new guy,”Nina says to me.

She just couldn’t let it go. She’s been quiet this whole time but then chooses to speak when I don’t want her to.

“What new guy?” Josh asks.

“Some guy is renting Mr. Miller’s house while he’s gone.” I pick up my burger. “These reallyaregood. I get why you make the drive just to come here. I wonder what kind of seasoning they use. Because there’s definitely—”

“Why didn’t you tell me that before?” Josh asks.

“Because I hadn’t realized how good they are until I really paid attention.” I take another bite.

“I’m not talking about the food.” He leans back and crosses his arms. He’s in cop mode now. “Why didn’t you mention this guy before, when I was asking if anyone was watching Miller’s place?”

I shrug. “I didn’t think about it.”

“What do you know about this guy?”

“Not much. Why does it matter? Who cares who’s renting out Miller’s place?”

“He’s a drifter,” Nina says, looking up at me from her phone. She thinks she’s helping me but she’s not. Kyle is not dangerous. I don’t need Nina’s cop ex-boyfriend going to check him out.

“He’s not a drifter,” I say. “His motorcycle broke down so he had to walk it to Miller’s house.”

“And you talked to him?” Josh asks.

Nina answers. “She stopped on the road and got out of her car and went up to him.”

“That’s dangerous,” Josh says. “You should’ve at least stayed in your car.”

I sigh. “I don’t need a lecture on safety. I know how to be careful, and I was. I kept my distance from the guy and just talked to him, asked if he needed help. He said he didn’t so I got in my car and left.”

“But then she saw him at Miller’s house and went up to him again,” Nina says.

I glare at her. “Why are you so talkative all of a sudden?”

“As long as we have a cop here, might as well ask for his opinion. You obviously don’t believe me when I tell you this guy is dangerous so let’s get another opinion.”

“Knowing Mr. Wilson, I doubt he’d rent to someone he didn’t trust,” Josh says. “I only met him a couple times but he seemed pretty cautious when we talked.”

“Exactly.” I look at Nina. “So you can stop worrying and leave Kyle alone.”

“If you want, I could stop over there,” Josh says. “Just say hello to the guy. See if I notice anything unusual.”

“No, don’t,” I say. “The guy just moved here. He doesn’t need the cops banging on his door, accusing him of things he didn’t do. There’s nothing wrong with him. He’s not dangerous. Nina’s just being paranoid.”

“I’m looking out for you, because apparently you can’t stay away from the guy.”

“He’s my neighbor. I was getting to know him. It’s good to know your neighbors.”