Page 119 of If I Could

“I saw something. Something I shouldn’t have.”

“And they found out.”

“HE did. Not them. They were just hired to do the job.”

“And who is HE?”

I take a breath. “My father.”



It’sSaturday night and I’m going out with Nina and Josh. Nina says I’ve been cooped up in the house too long, which is true. Ever since Kyle and I broke up, I’ve spent all my time in this house, feeling down and depressed and missing the idiot I fell in love with. The only time I leave here is when I go to work, and when I go there, I have to listen to Jesse say ’I told you so’ about a million times.

It’s been a horrible week so tonight I’m going to go out and try to have fun, or at the very least, drink until I can’t feel the hurt anymore. Josh is picking me up and we’re meeting Nina at the bar.

Josh and Nina are sort of dating now. I say ‘sort of’ because he says they are and she says they aren’t. They bicker about it all the time. To them that’s foreplay which is why they keep fighting about it. Josh spends every weekend at her apartment unless he has to work, like he did today. Since my house is on his way into town, he’s picking me up.

The doorbell rings, a long drawn out ring because the doorbell is broken. It must be Josh but why is he here so early? He’s not supposed to be here for another half hour.

“Just a minute,” I yell as he knocks. I have a shirt on but no pants because I couldn’t decide if I wanted to wear a skirt or jeans tonight. I grab some jeans and put them on, then run to the door.

“Why are you so early?” I ask, yanking the door open.

But it’s not Josh at the door. It’s Kyle.

“Hey,” he says, in a deep quiet voice. “Can I come in?”

“What are you doing here?”

“I want to talk.”

“We already did.” I sound angry, but really I’m feeling hurt. Seeing him here at my door just reminds me of when he used to come over. When we used to make dinner then talk and hang out and fall asleep together. I miss that. I miss it so much.

“I need to say something.”

“Unless you’re coming here to say you’ve changed your mind, I—”

“I have,” he says, his eyes meeting mine.


“I’ve changed my mind. Last week when we talked I wasn’t ready to commit to us being together because I didn’t think it would work. But I’ve thought about it, and although I don’t have all the answers right now, I need you to know that I don’t want what we started to end. I love you and I want to keep seeing you.”

“You said it wouldn’t work.”

“I know and I was wrong. Can I come inside?”

I let him in and we go to the living room and sit down.

“You hurt me,” I say.

“I know.” He’s in the chair next to mine and reaches over to hold my hand. I let him, even though I probably shouldn’t. I’m still so mad at him for what he did.

“How do you know I even want this anymore? You told me you loved me and then broke up with me.”

“I didn’t want to break up with you. I wanted to do just as you said and find a way to be together when we both leave here.”