Page 105 of If I Could

“We can have it again. Would you please just go with me? It’ll be awkward if it’s just me and them.”

“I can’t. I need to get this done.”

“It’s only noon. Dinner isn’t until seven. You’ll finish the chapter by then.”

He sighs. “Sage, stop pushing this. I don’t want to go. I don’t like that guy. I don’t want to have dinner with him.”

“You don’t like Josh? You only met him one time.”

“And I didn’t like him.”

“Why not?”

“Because he wouldn’t stop asking me shit. I’m not going to sit there tonight and have him firing questions at me all through dinner.”

“That won’t happen. If it does, I’ll say something to him, or we’ll get up and leave.”

“Or we could avoid that altogether and just not go.”

“Would you please just do this for me? I never ask you to do anything, and this isn’t that big a deal. It’s just dinner.”

He’s silent.

“Kyle? Please?”

“Fine,” he says in a curt tone. “But if he starts asking questions, we’re leaving. I’ll talk to you later.” And then he hangs up.

What the hell? Why is he mad about this? It’s just dinner.

“Got a new rule,” I hear Jesse say as he walks in the office.

“What is it?”

“No more personal phone calls.”

I roll my eyes. “And why is that?”

“You should be working, not talking on the phone.”

“It’s my lunch break so I can do whatever I want.”

“Then when your break is over, there’s no more calling your boyfriend until you’re done for the day.”

“And how exactly are you going to enforce this? Are you going to sit here and watch me all day?”

“If I have to, then yeah. Or I’ll tell Helen to keep an eye on you.”

Helen wouldn’t tell on me. She doesn’t like Jesse. She only works here because she likes Kenny, Jesse’s dad. She’s counting the days until he returns.

“Does this rule only apply to me? Because the guys in the garage are on the phone all the time during work hours.”

“They’re not your problem,” he says in an angry tone. He’s been like this since the firehouse event. I thought he’d get over it but he hasn’t. He’s just gotten worse.

“Why do you have to be like this? Just because you can’t stand seeing me with anyone but you? Do I need to remind you again that we’re never going to date? I’m not interested, Jesse. I’m not trying to be mean. We’re just not compatible. I don’t see you that way. It was never going to happen.”

“And you think you’re compatible withhim?” He folds his arms over his chest. “You don’t even know him. No one does. The guy’s so goddamn secretive. For all we know, Kyle isn’t even his real name.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I put my eyes on my computer and pretend to work.