Page 6 of Cursed



There’sa note from Madelyn on the counter when I wake up the next morning. I yawn as I pick it up, rubbing sleep from my eyes as I try to make out her loopy handwriting.


Hope that you slept alright! I’m headed into the market to make sure that everything is taken care of and then Flynn and I are going to head up to our cabin rental. Flynn talked to Gavin last night and he said that it would be a few days so we’ll see you when we get back on Sunday!

Feel free to take my car anywhere and eat anything that you want in the fridge or pantry! I told my friends that you were in town and they all want to meet you, so if you need anything, you can give them a call!

See you Sunday!


Iris – 555- 0157

Sutton – 555- 0195

Lyla – 555- 0186

Gavin – 555- 0117

I smileat her thoughtfulness and grab a magnet so that I can hang the note up on the fridge.

It’s been a while since I had a girls’ night or a lot of friends and part of me wants to meet them, but I know that I won’t be staying in town for long. Maybe it’s better if I don’t. That way I don’t have to worry about my curse rubbing off on them.

I open the fridge and smile when I see that it’s fully stocked. I have a feeling that Flynn did this last night while I was sleeping. I passed out after I got back with my stuff. I could barely keep my eyes open in the shower and when I couldn’t find my pajamas, I just put on an old paint-splattered shirt and some underwear and called it good. Luckily for me, I was more awake when I got dressed this morning.

Now I’m feeling more well-rested. It looks like I’ll be in town for a few days, so maybe I get dressed and see some of the sights. Or I could sit out on the porch here and read a book. It might be safer for everyone if I stayed by myself. It’s been a while since I last laid around for a whole day. I was always working at least one job and painting in my free time. Not that I regret that. It allowed me to save up so that I could get out on my own.

I snag a muffin from the container on the counter and take a bite as I head over to the front windows.

“Hey!” a pretty purple-haired girl says, popping up right in front of me and giving me a heart attack. “You must be Record!”

I stare at her wide eyed and that’s when I see the pink and red-haired girls standing behind her.

“We’re Madelyn’s friends,” the pink-haired girl says, and I lift a hand to wave at them weakly.

“Uh, hi.”

They wave back and head for the front door and I try to calm my racing heart as I move to let them in.

“Hey! I’m Lyla,” the purple-haired one says. “And this is Sutton and Iris,” she says, nodding to the pink and red-haired girls in turn.

“Hey, it’s nice to meet you.”

“I love your hair,” Lyla says as they come into the house and I smile.

“Thanks. I like yours too.”

“I need to dye it again. It’s starting to fade already. Maybe I’ll try blue this time.”

“Yeah, I need to touch up mine too. I love the color, but it fades so fast,” I tell her as we all head into the kitchen.

“Madelyn and Flynn left,” I inform them.

“We know. We wanted to come meet you before we had to head to work,” Sutton says.