Page 2 of Cursed

My whole existence fits into two suitcases. I can’t decide if that’s sad or not.

I want to tell Madelyn that I left because I didn’t want to be a burden or a pain on my family anymore, but it seems like maybe a face-to-face conversation, so instead I just say, “Yeah.”

“Good for you, Rec. Where are you at now then?”

“My car just broke down next to the Destiny Falls town sign.”

There’s a moment of silence and then Madelyn is calling for Flynn. I pull the phone away from my ear as she screams excitedly about me being in town to him.

“We’ll be right there! I’ll call Gavin on the way. He’s the mechanic and his shop is right by there, so he’ll be there to get your car in a bit too.”


“Of course! I can’t wait to see you again! Are you staying for long? Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming?” She rattles off questions rapid-fire as I try to keep up.

“Ready to go?” I hear Flynn ask.

“Yeah. We’ll be right there and then we can catch up,” she says and I smile.

“Sounds good. See you soon.”

We hang up, and I grab my purse and climb out of my old Mustang. I worked my butt off to buy her when I was twenty. She’s my most prized possession and I hate to say it but I’m a little nervous to let her out of my sight.

My parents and sister were always trying to borrow her but I never trusted them to not damage my baby in some way. None of them were the best drivers.

A tow truck rumbles around the corner and I lift my hand, shielding my eyes from the sunlight as I try to make out if they’re here for me or just passing by.

The truck slows and rolls to a stop in front of my Mustang, and I smile as a guy climbs out.

My smile drops quickly when I get a good look at the guy.

“Holy shit,” I breathe as my eyes drink him in.

He’s tall, dark, and handsome. His grease-stained shirt is clinging to his muscles and my mouth waters as I look him over. He has dark brown hair that’s just a tad too long. It’s hanging over his dark eyebrows and half shielding his eyes but there’s no hiding those eyes.

They’re blue, crystal blue and so focused on me that I start to squirm. I reach up, tucking my faded blue hair behind my ears self-consciously.

“Are you with Madelyn and Flynn?” he calls to me and oh my gosh that voice!

“Uh-huh,” I mumble as his boots crunch on the dirt and rocks.

His jeans are hanging low on his hips and are just as streaked with grease as his shirt.

“I’m Gavin. They said that you need a tow?”

“Yeah, it just started making this clunking sound and then the engine went,” I tell him.

I clear my throat and try to get my mind out of the gutter.

“Let’s take a look.”

I watch as he opens my car door and bends down to pop the hood. My eyes zero in on his ass and my face flames.

Abort! This is never going to happen. You’re not even staying that long and you’re not dating. You’re going to figure out your life first. Do not get attached to him!

“Could be your fan belt, but I’m guessing it’s more likely the distributor cap. Actually, I think it’s both,” he says as he pokes around under the hood.

“Is that a hard fix?” I ask.