“I hope he feels better. Let me know if you guys need anything. I can pick it up on my way home,” I offer.

“Thanks, Eli,” he calls over his shoulder as he heads for the front door.

“Wait,” I call out but he’s already outside.

I grab a few Hershey Hugs from the jar under the counter and chase after him.

“Hey!” I call as Patrick reaches his car. “Give these to Brennan when he feels better,” I say, passing him the candies.

“Thanks, man. I’ll talk to you later!” he calls as he slips behind the wheel and takes off down the road toward the school.

I watch him go, noting that a few of my neighbors are outside. I raise my hand to wave at them and notice some of them giving me weird looks. When the Sheriff, Hank, drives past and gives me a wide, knowing smile, I let out a curse and head back inside the shop.

I try to push thoughts of Hartley and the rampant town gossip from my head as I finish stocking and help a few customers. When I break for lunch and my mother still hasn’t called me to ask about the topless girl that I had in my shop, I start to think that maybe I dodged a bullet.

Deep down though, I know that it’s only a matter of time before the town gossip reaches her ears. She might live a few thousand miles away now, but she still has friends who live in town and who will be all too happy to tell her what they heard her son was getting up to.

She’s been pushing for me to settle down and give her grandbabies for years now, so I know that once she hears, she’ll be over the moon excited. Then I’ll have to ruin her mood by explaining that it’s not what it seems.

And then, she’ll try to set me up with a friend of hers. It will, of course, go terribly and the cycle will repeat over and over again.

I sigh as I get back to work stocking shelves and trying not to flinch or show fear every time the phone rings.