Succumbing to my inner most desire and physical pleasure, I explode with a loud groan. It’s the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced. I brace myself on top of her, my dick pulsing and slowly softening, before rolling to her side and pulling her to me. I wrap my arms around her like I’m never going to let her go and I have no intentions of letting her go. Ever.

Pushing strands of damp hair away from her face, I gently kiss her cheek. She’s flushed with pleasure and her face is glowing.

“Are you ready for this?” I ask as the morning light is turning into early afternoon. After hours of tossing each other around the bed, the bed sheets are nowhere to be seen and the cool air in the room is welcomed as we’re both hot and sweaty.

“I’ve already started,” she answers calmly, so calm it’s scary.

I’m glad she’s on our side, but even with all our men it’s still going to get ugly and there’s no clear victory in any mafia war. There are so many intangibles. If we have a bit of luck, we might be able to pull this off.

If is a big word.

We’re going to have to fight together if we are to have any kind of a future. My women were all high-end snobs, but Francesca gets her hands dirty and knows her stuff. This is not a typical security job, it’s dangerous work. Her family is the most notoriously ruthless crime family in Italy and that’s what scares me the most.

Clearly, she misinterpreted my question. When I asked if she was ready for this,I meantus, not the impending war. Maybe that’s her way of deflecting. Maybe she’s still not ready for a relationship and will disappear after this bloodbath is over.

But if she doesn’t face her feelings now. When?

I guess it will have to wait. Timing is everything or so they say and right now we need to get ready for war.

As if she’s reading my mind, she springs from the bed and walks to the dresser as if I’m not in the room. She’s comfortable in her nakedness and I can’t take my eyes off her body as she checks her guns and loads some clips.

Besides the guns and ammo, she has a bulletproof vest, knives, and weird-looking canisters. This woman is fucking awesome.

“I put up cameras on the outside of the compound and I have infrared handheld cameras to use when I get inside.”

“What? Are you crazy?”

She turns to me, her body still glistening with the afterglow of our love making. I’m horny again just looking at her.

“I have to be, a bit.” She gives me an all-knowing wink. “I can’t find Angelo Calabrese anywhere on the compound and that’s not like him. He’s vain and likes to be seen.”

“That is odd. What could possibly be going on in there?”

“I’m going to find out.”

I bolt out of bed. “Oh, no, not by yourself you aren’t. Besides the boys are coming.” I pull on my jeans. “You might want to get dressed. Matteo will be back at any minute.”

“Damn, forgot about that.” Her cheeks blush as she looks down at her naked body.

“This is my fight, Sal,” she says, putting on a bra and panties. She’s so stubborn sometimes I’d love to smack some sense into her.

“It’s our fight. They are my enemy too. They would have double tapped you on my soil, in my house, if that’s where they found you, so it leads to my door, again.” I clench my fist and teeth in anger while looking for my shirt.

“As if once wasn’t enough.” Her hollow tone conveys the emptiness she feels inside. The sudden death of her father changed her world overnight, and it’s not over. The nightmare she’s been living for years, is still playing on a continuous loop.

“Fine. We’ll all go, I know a way in, I know their routine, we can do recon tonight,” she acquiesces.

I breathe a sigh of relief that she’ll let Matteo and me help.

“Matteo can be our lookout,” I offer.

She nods in agreement and pulls on worn jeans with holes in the knees and a black shirt.

“Look, it’s time for lunch, let’s grab something to eat, what do you say?” I ask, glancing at my watch as I button my shirt. It’s one already.

“Fine, I am a bit hungry. But we need to stay off the grid. The area is crawling with the goons.”

“No kidding.”