She twisted her lips to the side in thought. “I really don’t know. I woke up hungover, so if I had drugs in my system, I didn’t notice the difference.”
That made my blood boil and my hands clamp with rage. I wanted to find whoever did this and make him pay. Slowly, painfully, and in ways that satisfied the fuck out of my instilled need for justice.
The anger ebbed away when Penny wiped away a fresh surge of tears. “I’m so sorry you have to see me like this. It’s so embarrassing.”
“Hey.” I set a hand on her hip and rocked lightly. “You’ve got nothing to apologize for. It’s fine. Honestly. How about we head downstairs, make some food, and watch a movie? Or binge watch something?”
“Yeah,” I whispered back.
She smiled up at me with gratitude, exhaled with a deep sigh, then smoothed both forefingers under her eyes.
“Gah, I bet my makeup is everywhere.”
“It’s not. Still in place and looking nice.”
“Thanks, Dante. I’m sorry for bringing the mood down.”
I stood and set my hands on my hips. “The only way the mood is being brought down is me knowing that my apple is going brown on the kitchen counter. There’s simply no coming back from that.”
Her giggle created a twinkle of happiness in her baby blues, and fuck me if the combination didn’t light a wick in my soul.
After Penny made a few adjustments to her shorts and sweater, I held out my hand for her. She slid hers into mine without hesitation, and I guided her downstairs.
“Go freshen up and I’ll get some food. Do you want a soda or beer? Or something else?”
She gave me a watery smile. “Uh, isn’t it too early for beer?”
I snorted. “Is the world flat?”
Faint humor tugged her expression. “Soda is fine, thanks.”
When she headed for the bathroom, I plucked my apple off the counter and inspected it. Deeming it okay to finish, I ate while grabbing drinks from the fridge. I was rummaging in the pantry while holding the apple between my teeth when Penny emerged, much brighter and refreshed.
“All good?” I asked around the apple.
“Yeah. Just feel stupid about getting all upset.”
I took a final bite and tossed the core into the trash. “Babe, don’t even. Like I said, it’s cool, honestly. What do you want to eat?”
Penny hummed and peered around my body. “Ooh, chocolate pretzels.”
“And potato chips,” I added, grabbing both packets.
“Do you have any Pop Tarts and syrup?”
I looked down at her and raised a brow. “Carb-loading today, are we?”
She shrugged. “I feel like eating my emotions.”
“That doesn’t seem wise, jailbait. Maybe we should hit the gym first?”
“Like hell!” she exclaimed. “You promised junk food and a show, so that’s what we’re doing.”