“Nope, just nope! If I have to explain that to you, you’re far too young for me to—”
“To what?”
“Never mind,” I grumbled.
Penny angled in her seat and focused her entire attention my way. I ignored her while merging with traffic, then ignored her some more.
“Go on, man meat. What were you going to say?”
I snickered under my breath. “You donotwant to know.”
“Yeah, I do.Andabout the film canister thing—which I am going to search right now.”
In true Gen Z style, she dug through her handbag for her phone. She began mumbling as she read, then gave me a shocked look.
“You can’t possibly be old enough to know what this is! Like, these areoldschool.”
My laugh was a painful mix of verbal offense and amusement.
“Woman, Iamold school. I’m in the last generation that lived before technology began to rule our lives. And I don’t appreciate bein’ called old, by the way. Thirty-three ain’t old.”
“Well, considering I’m only t—”
“For the love of all things holy, donotfinish that sentence, Penelope!” I yelled, then smoothed over the rebuke with a smirk and a thigh tap. “Let’s just keep that unspoken, okay?”
Her eyes sparkled with amusement. “Touchy subject, huh?”
I scoffed. “Not usually.”
“Like, I know you’re a bit older than me, but I wasn’t grossed out by it. I’m still not.”
“Gee, thanks,” I deadpanned. “Keep on diggin’ that hole, jailbait. See how far you can really rub the salt into it.”
She threw up her hands. “Gah! I’m trying to give you a compliment. I actually kinda dig that you’re a little older and have experience with life and… things.”
I chuckled and accepted the compliment for what it was: backhandedly genuine.
“And since this is already awkward, I might as well just come out and say that I really liked… you know…”
Stealing a glance right, I caught the side-eye she roved over my crotch region.
“...Your dick,” she added.
“Christ, Penny! Are you trying to get us killed?”
“With the distracting!”
“Distracting, huh?” She leaned across the small car and grinned in my peripheral vision. My dick stirred despite me trying to keep cool.
“Don’t,” I warned.
A breeze of a giggle tickled across my cheek. “Does it get you a little…hot?”
Glancing her way, I narrowed my eyes. “We might need to take you back and get those extensions checked.”