Hours later, the nine of us practically fell into our suite as a mass of drunken slurs and boisterous jostling.
I staggered a little behind Penny and shoved my hand down the front of her dress, kneading the perfect globes that were slightly more than a handful. She leaned against my chest and rubbed her plump ass across my growing erection.
Forrest left Vivi’s side and headed for the boombox to connect the music, ready to keep the party kicking toward dawn.
“Fuck, I can’t feel myface!”Pittsy hollered, slapping at his cheek. “Jenny, punch me!”
“Fuck off, brother. I’m not punching you again,” he shouted through a laugh.
Sober but hopped up on energy drinks, Tuck went on high alert with eyes wide, knees bent and arms raised ready for action.
“Pittsy, don’t start this shit again. I’ll tie you down with your own fucking belt if I have to.”
Pittsy erratically flipped him off, then set Lydia and Doughboy in his sights. “Dunno about you guys, but I came to Vegas to getlaid.”He grabbed Lydia’s hand and towed her toward his bedroom, with Doughboy hot on her high heels wearing a sinful smirk.
Forrest laughed. “How are you even gonna get it up, Pits?”
Pittsy paused mid-stride and let out an exaggerated snort. “Who in their right mind comes to Vegas without Viagra?”
“Jesus Christ!” Tuck yelled. “Lydia, if you need help in a hurry, the safe word ispersimmon.Scream it loud—the music will be cranking.”
Penny’s laugh vibrated under my palm. “How ispersimmona good safe word? She’s gonna forget it in, like, ten seconds.”
I chuckled and nipped her shoulder. “She’ll be okay. Those two are dirty as fuck, but they won’t take things too far. It’s their thing,” I added after their door clicked closed.
“Two to go,” Jenny crowed above the music, starting a chant that Tuck chimed in on.
“Two to go. Two to go.”
I laughed while steering Penny toward my room. A shriek from behind us had me looking over my shoulder to see Forrest with Vivi slung over his shoulder, heading for his open door.
Rowdy cheers came from Tuck and Jenny as he kicked the door shut behind them, and they clinked their beers together before restarting the chant for me and Penny.
“One to go. One to go.”
Her intoxicated laughter filled the air when I picked her up and hurried us into my room. As soon as I flicked the door closed, Tuck and Jenny’s crowing laughter rose above the thumping music once more. The music then got turned up louder in anticipation of three sets of fucking about to start.
I spun Penny without warning. Her hands slammed against the door and she braced wide to steady herself from the unexpected movement. Dropping to my knees behind her, I eagerly ran my hands up the backs of her legs. So lean, so toned, and smooth against my roughened palms. I shoved up the hem of her dress and hissed through my teeth.
“Fuck me.”
Her ass was as tight and toned as the rest of her.
A breathy giggle came from above. “That’s the plan.”
I climbed my way up her body, touching and licking as much of her exposed skin as I possibly could during the rise to my feet.
With impatience getting the better of me, I flipped her around and pressed her back against the door, humming in satisfaction when her hands went straight for my dick.
I kissed my way up her neck, licking and sucking the salty layer off her skin from hours of dancing in hot clubs. Pressing my forehead to hers brought her makeup-smeared eyes close, and I got lost in the crystal blue depths that shone brighter now we were under normal lights.
“You ready, baby?”
She breathed through a smile and nodded. “Are you?”
I chucked and snapped the fabric from around her neck. She gasped as the dress fell to reveal her breasts, nipples already pebbled and begging for attention.