“You guys still have to work with him. Let me handle this.”
The single word from Chen stopped me in my tracks. Just like when shit went down with Sadie, his eyes held an unspoken warning.
“It won’t be like that.” I glanced at Forrest’s mourning family. “Not here.”
With a nod, the boys backed down, but kept vigil. I gave Penny’s hand a gentle squeeze, then set Ward in my sights.
He had the gall to smirk as I approached. “Nice black eyes. I take it they were deserved?”
“What thefuckare you doing here?” I spat, ignoring his dig.
“Payin’ my respects, just like you are.”
“The fuck you are.”
Ward casually looked around my shoulder. I followed his line of sight to where Penny stood with the guys and their wives.
“Pretty little thing, ain’t she?”
“Don’t fucking look at her.”
He scoffed. “Be a damn shame if anything untoward happened. You know, like anaccidentor somethin’.”
I stepped close, coming nose to nose with the teammate I’d hoped to put in prison.
“I know what you did to Forrest. It’syourfault that we’re here today.”
Ward’s expression stayed neutral apart from one eyebrow arching. “You don’t know shit. And I’d sayyou'rethe one to blame. I mean, you both stuck your nose where it didn’t belong.”
“You fuck!” I spat, seething with anger. “When this all comes out—because it will—I’ll be pushing to get your court case reopened.”
He laughed cynically in my face. “Can’t be tried for the same thing twice, idiot.”
I smirked. “You can under military law.”
I took great pleasure in watching the blood drain from his face, then angled closer.
“Tell me this: why did you make the seven hour trip just to watch from afar? Or was it because I’m back in town? Missed me that much? Missed seeing what a real fucking man looks like? Or is it because you idolize me? Want to be me? Because we both know you’re the weak link in that team, and a poor fucking excuse for a Green Beret.”
Ward’s blood practically boiled to the surface, turning his face and neck a violent shade of red.
Rage. Contempt. Pure evil. It was all there in his wild eyes as they darted back and forth between mine.
“Watch your fucking back, Bateman.”
He shoved at my chest, but I held my ground and bit back the near overwhelming urge to throw a punch. Just one. That was all I’d need to knock him off his feet.
He lingered, taunting me to retaliate, before scoffing. Turning away, then appearing to have a second thought, Ward leered over his shoulder.
“Next time we meet, you won’t see me coming until it’s too late.”
Profound respect for Forrest and his family was the only thing rooting me to the spot. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have let Ward walk away, and certainly not with the upper hand.
Only after he drove from sight did I switch my focus back to more important matters. I rejoined Penny and pulled her into my arms, silently vowing to protect her with my life,ifit came to that.
Ward may have fucked me over, but I’d be damned if I let it happen twice.